Could this be her?

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Thanks a lot good people,  you reading and voting and leaving a comment means a lot to me!!

Here comes part 5 of Camellia!!

Love Jedi

If you have ever seen an Indian bride covered by turmeric paste,  you could instantly relate Camellia with her. She was nothing less than a walking mango.

Instead of going back to the hospital the madam refused to move an inch, and they all had to stay there with her. Ruby's phone rang again, but her pregnant boss told her not to pic it up.

She ate at least seven mangoes before rising up. Oh poor thing was hungry, well who wouldn't being kept in those machines!

The chambermaids stood up right after her. Looking around Camellia assessed herself,  she was having an expression of shock, as though she doesn't believe that she is there or even wearing the clothes she was wearing.

Without warning tears started to roll from her face. They all came towards her and they couldn't utter a word because what was on her face earlier was now stewed with mucus and tears.

The view was so strange.. Still she spoke first,  " i am not dead!"
Everyone let go of the breath they all didn't realize they were holding.  Their eyes were now filled with Joy, they were glittery because of tears,  but those were tears of celebration.

Though they were terrified at the thought of going back to reality, they enjoyed the fantasy before them.  They wiped their faces,  but couldn't do much for their ma'am,  she was still eating some more.

The phone beeped and they all knew that they had to move. Though they were walking slower than a tortoise, they were all happy.

The sun was out,  birds were chirping,  the trees quivering, it was a great day... Camellia was alive!!

From a distance you could see how much of a chimney has Nick become.  He looked really angry,  as though he was punished and the person responsible was now approaching him.

He took long strides towards the entrance,  leaving the counter he earlier had his body against. It seems he has been waiting for a long time there and couldn't leave that spot even when he had to pee.

He shot daggers at the ladies and annoyingly looked at Ruby. Locking their eyes and not leaving her gaze fast.  Her heart became uneven..

Though he was angry, something in his eyes simply made her heart want to escape her ribcage. It is a strange sensation that has made her forget that he was angry.

The feeling only replaced the annoyance in his eyes with the look of passion of  him that she had in her mind. She had to bit her lip to avoid smiling because that would get him more furious.

Ooh ooh,  she is not only having a crush, could this be love? 

Seeing her bite her lip,  Nick shifted focus to Camellia. Until now he had not seen her Indian bride turmeric-stew face.  She looked like a masquerade.
He tried to hold back his laughter but couldn't contain it.

It was out of joy and security that he laughed,  his anger seemed to have been erased.  " ma'am! " he spoke.

" Nick! What meeting are you holding?  " Mr Ken interrupted from behind.

" don't tell me that something happened to my wife. The whole hospital would collapse i tell you!  " he was angry and shouting.

Nick looked up,  he now was the one afraid of the person who was approaching. He has not told him that he couldn't find his wife earlier, Nick had said Camellia was safe and in her bad. 

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