I love her that way

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I just want to say thank you to you all for the 200 reads...

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# love-Jedi

Love you a lots... :-)^_^(♡˙︶˙♡)

Here comes part 6 of Camellia


A smile spread on the face of this lovely husband and a tear escaped to his cheeks. She has been very innocent and naive when we she got here.

She still is, but have grown so much also, she still gets lots and does things that only she can do.  I just wonder what game she is up to today!

That didn't seem to bother Ken,  he looked like one enjoying every moment of looking for his wife. Like a gentleman that he was he knocked door by door before entering.

He asked in some rooms and in others he just searched, people looked at him with the ' are you crazy look? ', who could play hide and seek at the age he was and that too in a formal attire.

He had that look of a business man, but his beard and baggy eyes gave that impression away,  especially now that he had a smile on his face and playing this silly game.

Things that love can make you do! 

He was walking and looking side by side and behind him to find her, when he tripped. Just before he could reach the floor some guy helped him.

He got up and gave thanks to the guy, he was already leaving when the guy called him back, " Sir you have dropped something on the floor. "

He wasn't sure if he did or not,  nevertheless he didn't remember having something in his hands.. But he turned back and the guy presented a little paper to him.

He looked at the paper,  it had a message in it, he wanted to tell the guy that this didn't belong to him, not even the hand writing.

When he lifted his face the guy had disappeared, maybe vanish could be a best definition. He was not in view. Was he an angle,  criminal or just a person who doesn't interfere in peoples life?

Mr Ken got puzzled for a moment, his eyes were now searching for him- the guy who vanished.

His eyes went back to the paper,  it looked like a love letter. That annoyed him. He had no time for papers.

He has to look for his wife and not some useless paper that he doesn't even have any clue where it came from.

When he was about to squash the paper, something caught his eye. Quickly his eyes wondered around the hospital, where was that guy who fell here?
Camellia Ken was the signature at the end...
Pushing the thought of the guy away, his gaze moved to the paper.

He started reading it while paying close attention to every word written there:

Darling husband 😘
here is clue 1 of this hide and seek>>
Four doors subtract two then multiply by four!

Happy searching 😍

Camellia Ken

A brood smile broke on his face, it couldn't get any crazier than this, after all it was Camellia, his darling wife. He should expect such things.

He put two and two together, without using a calculator he knew that he had to get to the eight door! 

His legs began to make long strides, as though a force was pulling them. The face that was so dull the past days now had become gay. 

There was enough glitter in his eyes,  you could believe he had won a competition of chocolates and he isn't going to share with anyone.

Without his servants around,  he can be a child as much as he want, the people in  the hospital don't matter at all. He has a special goal to reach.

It didn't take him longer to get to the door he is supposed to get to... Now standing at the door,  he was contemplating on how to enter.

Camellia is a woman of many talents and underestimating her could cause him a lot of struggles in finding her.

One day she had painted the floor with glue,  saying she wants to catch the rats. 

Unknowingly Mr Ken stepped on the glue and was the one trapped and spent the night there,  because he was walking barefoot.

'She wouldn't mind putting the glue on the handle of the door',  he thought.

Well i would also agree with Mr Ken,  even worse a bucket of water might fall as he opens the door, after all she started this game!!

The loving husband paced up and down in front of the door,  gathering courage he opened the door.

Strange silence welcomed him, he could only hear his breath. As he scanned the room he saw that there is a body on a bed.

It looked lifeless, he started to feel his body shiver, next to the bed there is a table with a bottle of water and other than that the room was white and there was nothing in it.

He looked under the bad and she wasn't there, slowly standing up he noticed a mirror behind him.

That is the strange thing of all,  a mirror in a hospital room,  that too of someone so sick,  this made no sense.

He turned around and looked at the mirror, it had words on it, going closer.

The same hand writing he saw on the paper was before his face again. Not sure whether to smile or frown he just sighed.

Looking at the letters carefully written on the reflector he was now looking at with intensity.

The message was sweetly brought to life by a pink lipstick,  the one Camellia wouldn't leave the house without having.

The very same lipstick they argued about getting for her when they went to Kenya for their honeymoon.

She being farmish as she is,  bluntly refused to buy or put on any make up. Mr Ken had selected this colour despite  her disapproval.

It was the first colour for woman that he had fallen in love with since he saw her. It resembled their love to him.

This couldn't be put on by someone else, it belonged to his wife. His heart was now dancing with joy that it could escape his lungs.

Taking in the sight, the memories of his honeymoon came alive in his mind, they took over his emotions. They became fresh as though they were an issue of yesterday.

Without his permission and awareness a tear escaped his eye,  finding a habitation on his cheek and the unshaved beard became its rest.

It took a moment that seemed like an entire hour for him to realize that he had become emotional and the colour was of sentimental value to him....

Who knew Ken could cry? ... Love is strange!!

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