Chapter 11

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Grim found that it took time to adjust to his new surroundings, especially when he had to serve people who acted as if they were his betters. Almost all of the nobles that studied at Madam Malkim’s were complete snobs and treated the orphans like garbage ― especially Gorkin, the Lord of Simeon Manor. It was as if he made it his duty to torment them.

Grim learned to get out of his way when he saw the boy’s flaming red hair heading in his direction. He was scrawny, with a slitty nose, bulging black eyes, and his skin was so pale and shiny he resembled a salamander. Many of the other students groveled at his feet, especially the two that were always on his heels: Jackmeister and Ninnipence, the Duke and Duchess of Terl. The siblings looked like hyenas in human clothing. Even their laughter had that sickening cackle to it.

The three of them were just horrid, especially to Treena. They kept taunting her about her father, whom they referred to as the Pleader of the Resistance and mocked his pelt. In fact most of the students would make snide remarks at Treena or try to trip her while she carried bundles of wood across the grounds. Of course, none of this was done in the presence of the Tutors, although some of the adults might have even been responsible for a few of the extended feet that tripped her. And nothing stopped the pompous snobs from going after Grim and Rudy as well ― guilt by association.

There were the exceptions, like Halriette ― the Duchess of Finn, and Oslo ― the Duke of Polter. They always had a kind word, offered their thanks, and would help to pick up items from the ground if either Grim, Rudy or Treena were tripped. And the two seemed to take quite a shining to Sam and Ellen. They were often seen escorting them. Sometimes they even chased Ninnipence and her lot away. But their like were few and far between.

With that said, after a few weeks Grim felt a little more settled into the routine of his new life. He may have begrudged his dads for it, but he was getting used to it.

Between cleaning Master Avon’s massive pipe organ; mending linens and clothing that whizzed by with Madam Slone; and further time spent with Orlanda Kennelworth in the kitchens, there was little time for Grim to think about his parents or about whether or not he missed his old life. And whenever Madam Malkim or one of the Tutors saw him coming, more chores were piled on to his already hectic schedule. So far he missed three sessions with Madam Phoebe. Although often late, he did manage to keep up his time with Master Cobblepot. Between gobs of yellow spittle, the old Hobgoblin often spoke freely of all kinds of history.

“The Tower of Celest was founded by a very powerful Mystic over twenty generations ago.”

“What are the Mystics?” Grim asked.

Master Cobblepot looked at Grim in surprise and then his gaze softened. “I suppose, since you were born after the Tower was closed, you’d know little of these things.” He pointed out the window, towards the eastern mountains. “Half way between here and those mountains is a tower — sealed by the last of the Mystics. They could call upon Jinns, and cast spells of incredible power. Of course, that was before the Darksworn showed up and magic began to fade. True magic, that is.”


“Dark Mystics.”

“Why was the Tower closed?”

“What good is a Mystic’s Tower when there are none to occupy it.”

“What happened to the last of the Mystics?”

The old man shook his head. “Perhaps in search of magic elsewhere, but no one knows for sure.”  He began another coughing fit and filled the bowl to the brim. He then waved Grim to go and empty it. 

The time with Master Rickett almost made up for all of it though. A number of contraptions required fixing and the man led Grim through various secret passageways to get at the mechanisms from behind the walls. Grim wasn’t entirely sure what all of them did, but he watched the man’s every move as they repaired auto-dressers, cookers, sinth-like refrigerators, and fold-up beds, one of which had trapped a student. It also gave Grim the opportunity to suggest a washing machine and dryer.

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