A terrible excuse for batim chapter 2

121 1 4

Henry: lalalallalalala*walking*

Bendy: *axe murderer*

Joey: *not in the chapter* *mAybe in the toilet crapping* 

Bob thebuilder (oops):

Sammy lawreNce: *jumpscars Henry*

Henry: Ah

Sammy: *looks around* where is da toilet? 

Henry: In ur anus

Sammy: *gets mad* So if u dont mind, Ill sacrifice u to my god

Henry: nu 

Sammy: *knocks him out and puts toilet paper on his head* 

Henry: *in a karma*

Sammy: *farts and dies*

Henry: *Wakes up* Errrsnjwjxj *walks around again*

Bendy: *gives birth to 398575791947573991947783 mini bendys*

Henry: What da fu- 

Bendy: Dont ask.

Henry: *runs*

Boris: *suddenly tied to his operation table hanging from his throat and wearing overalls and different from his model in chapter 1*

Henry: kejfkdkwjfjsjsk

Boris: *somehow gets free* *sees a can of beans* oh yey beans *knocks it over*  aw fu-



Music by: DahPoopGames

Creator: Meatball

Vocals by: Poopcrap

Bendy and the sh- maChine

Ty for wasting ur time 

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