Author brings her friend

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Boris: OH sh-

Bendy: Author is going to bring one of her friends?!?!?!??!

Author:  yep *whispers* and shes worse than me

Bendy: O_O

Joey: dats it im leaving *leaves*

Boris: What could be absolutely worse than Her??!

Fangirls: totally not me

Henry: Well i would be glad to meet her

Author:  great! Here she is!

Hadstune_Miku87(The Bendster):I JUST CAME TO SAY HELLO!

Boris: *jumps out a window*

Alice: Hi *raises a glitchy hand*

The Bendster: HELLO LOVELY ALICE! *shakes hand* *turns into a cartoon character* 

Author:  Oh yea. Rule 100000. Never shake a glitchy person's hand or else you will turn into one of them

The Bendster: .......

Author: I almost died trying to tie Boris's shoes

Henry: But that's a story for another day.

Bendy: Hi I am twist

Fangirls: Why did u add her instead of me! >:(

The Bendster: Beat it!

Sammy: are you my sister

Susan Campbell:  beans.

Meatball: Files not ready yet

The Bendster: Am i going to stay like this forever??!?

Author:  *shrug* 

Mickey Mouse On drugs (Bendy and The Ink Machine on Crack)Where stories live. Discover now