Omq! Smh! Lol! Brb! Ttyl! Wyd! Wbu!

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---Meanwhile with the boyys---

prince-wunder watss taking them soo long ..

roc: seriously ..

prod: forreal tho .

ray- where's the tacos ?

all the boyss except ray- shutup . !!

with Dianna , Flo , Jonaye , && Niya aka "tha follower"

Jonaye: well youtube.! we hve some new guest stars today!

Niya: You wanna see a show u guyss ??

Dianna && Flo- Leqqhoooooooooooooooo!!

*Dianna swinqs on Niya but misses so Niya threw her on the bed . Flo swinqs on Jonaye but Jonaye pushes her to the door && Flo falls down . Dianna gets up && punches Niya constantly in the face while Niya is backin up . Flo swings on Jonaye && slaps her , then , Jonaye pushes her into the hallway && locks the door behind her so all there is left is Dianna . The gurlz began jumping Dianna :( . Dianna grabs Jonaye by her hair && throws her on Niya . Niya gets up thinkin she was boutah slap Dianna but ends up falling dwn to tha ground cuz Di kept constantly puching her in tha face . lol! Jonaye gets up && pushes Dianna dwn to tha floor && kicks her on the stomach && scratches her face . Dianna get up && grabs both Jonaye && Niya's hair and bang them againsted the wall which practically knocked them out . Dianna goes back && unlocks the door cuz flo was banging on it constantly so she ran in && huqqed Dianna . They both looked at Jonaye && Niya && laughed . Dianna walked over to the computer tht was on YouTube which recorded the whole thing .

Dianna: lol come over here flo .

Flo: *walks over to Dianna* lol

Dianna: Was that enough of a show for ya?

Flo: I Bet it was lol.!

Dianna && Flo- Byee YouTube!!!!

*Dianna && Flo post the vid *

*The gurlz walk downstairs*

Boys- Whudd Happen ??

Dianna- Go On YouTube on Ur Phone ..

Prod: What Happened ??

Flo: Let's Juhs Say .. The Cats Beat The Doqs && Turnt Them Into Rats!

Dianna: lol cuz they ratchet!

Prince: what's the vid called ?

Dianna: This is Pretti Ratchet by:The Pretti Dollaz

Ray: Is That Wat Their Calling Themselves?

Dianna: Yupp But We Got Something Even Better ..!!

Author: find out next! && omg i guess niya kinda threw them hands! && I jus made this chappie for my gurly gurl TesherPotatoMonster !! But Seriously Starting Now 5 comments && 10 votes BahBye! : )

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