New Gurlyz On The #Team !!!

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~ Widd Joanye && Niya ~

Jonaye- qhudd job widd throwin them hands ! && We got our plan !

Niya- lol i guess

Jonaye- lol .. well keep guessing cuz we got sum more planning !

Niya- :-* Yeah ..

Jonaye- all we need is a new member on the team , eh ?

Niya- ah! i gotta cha !

Jonaye- Let's get to the partyy

Niya- hopefully , we find somebody down there .

NiyaPov- idk wat it is about dianna that juhss make me wanna be her friend . but not anymore . lyk she completely embarrassed me !! looks like , she gotta nother thing coming .! I'm soo ready ! I'm running this game!

~ Jonaye && Niya Go Back Outside ~

*Dianna && Flo Exchanqe Looks*

(Dianna In Her Head)

Okaay , Dianna Get it Together ! Youu Need Everyone On #TeamDianna Only ! Juhss Let Flo Says Whudd She Says , Then Youu Say Whudd You Need To Say . Ohkay .

(Flo In Her Head)

Well , I'm Guessing Rite About Now , Dianna Want Me Too Say Sum . Get Everybody On #TeamGoWithTheFlo . Let's Do This . Wait The Only Prob Is That We Need One More gurl on this team .

Flo- Let's Juhss Wait . But We'll Need Yall Later On . We Got Sum Thinking To Do . Is That K?

OMG Gurls- Of Course !

Nique- We Gotta Go . Diddy Has A Meeting With Us . Bye ! *Hugs them *

~ the OMG Gurlss Leave ~

Dianna- Flo We Need a Group && A New Member On Our Team .

Flo- Same Here !

Dianna- lol Hopefully We Find Somebody !

Flo- It's Our Team Against Theirs ..... *points to Niya && Jonaye*

~with the boyz~

Roc- I'm Juhss Soo Happy With My Lyfe ...I'm Famous , Livinq Life , && Got Tha Most Amazing gurl.

Princeton- Woah There.. Youu Haven't Got Tha Gurl Yet .

Roc- Juhss Knoee It'll Be Before Youu!

Prince- Whatever Brohamm ..

(Love that Word 1 use it all tha tyme !)

With Dianna && Flo

Flo- Whyy is Jonaye Lyk That ?

Dianna- idk cuz .. well ever since thiss one tyme wen this gurl name Tosha or Tasha whatever tha gurl name was she juhss was real pretti an nice and jonaye alwayss wanted to be her but of course tried to act lyk her but she juhss couldn't . Then one daii Jonaye told me "imma be her" so i saw jonaye then tryna dress tha same as her and wear tha same hairstyle as her but the gurl juhss kept letting jonaye off tha hook . jonaye heard tha gurl talking to her friend saying she wanted tha new Plum k895 but nobdy else knew tht it was coming out yet . so tha nxt daii jonaye came to skool and had the Plumk895 (fake phone) and showed the girl to make her jealous. then the girl SNAPED! then took jonaye by tha hair and threw her into the locker and jonaye's friend named nashi bt ppl called her shai ; unlocked the locker and got jonaye out . Jonaye began looking for her but she never came back to skool .

Flo- ohkaii enouqh ! im getting scared lol

Dianna- same here . i actually peed in my pants when jonaye told me .

Flo- let's go grab sum milkshakes .

Dianna- omq yes !

*dianna and flo see jonaye and niya at the Coldrock (fake place) looking at the Starrkeisha concert flyer (omg love me sum starrkeisha lol) *

flo- uqh well if it isn't the dustys ! ( got tht from starrkeisha fights on youtube)

niya- and if it isn't the stankies .

dianna- Funny , Funny , get outta here before i cum ova to that table and snatch ya weave .

jonaye- ooh ! there's tyler the creator -- your lucky .

dianna- thouqht soo boo . BahBye !

*Jonaye && Niya walk away to tyler*

Flo- uqh ! they soo annoyin

Randum ?? - ikr ! oops say . srry i didn't mean to get in it , i juhss had to say it

dianna- it's qhudd . im glad u hate them .

flo- u new here  ?

random ??- yeah i live around the block .

flo- oh ..well.. uhm can i get a mi----

Dianna's Thouqhts -

Ohh ! i can get her on #team Dianna !

[End of dianna's thouqhts]

Dianna - no ! *they all look at dianna lyk ...* i mean no , let me go first . but dangit idk what i want uhh flo ..cum help me ova here. *to random ??* we'll be right back .

Random??- okay ...

flo- uhh whudd wuss that about ?

dianna- let's get her on our team .

flo- smart ! let's do dhiss !

dianna- alr . *flo and dianna walks over back to the couter widd random ??*

random??- hey , u ready to order ?

dianna- yeah i want a vanilla milkshake and she want's a blueberry and whudd kind do u lyk ?

random??- uhh...banana ?

dianna- okay that too . *random?? looks at her weird* tryna drink healthy !

random??- okaay me 2 !

flo- let's do this !

dianna- hey .. you ..excuse me .

random??- yeah ?

Dianna- what's your name ?

random??- Tesher . But Yall Can Call Me Tesh .

Dianna- okay well Tesh , how would you like to be apart of ..... #Team Stupid Swaqq <3 ?

[no jockinq , lyk seriously that's my team in real lyfe]

Me !- lol i hoped yall lyked it ! i juhss gave yall a lil sum  sum since i've been out latly . widd my lyfe unlike yall ....sikee jking ! bt every friday , imaa upload a new chappie ! : ) hope yall lyked this and i also hope that yall can wait till friday ! cuzz todayy is friday April 4th , 2012 ! ooh and happy boutah b ~cin'co de' mayo~ BahBye ! : )

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