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      Hey! My name is Paige and I'm going to tell you about my long distance relationship with a guy named Kane.

Let's start off when we "first met"

        I was really bored and I was, well dog-sitting and still had quite a bit of time left until the owners came back home. And the dog was asleep. I went on an anonymous app, and asked who would want to Skype for a bit. I was kinda lonely as well. For some reason Kane just stuck out to me and seemed more interesting than my other options. So we Skype called until the dog owners got back home. Right when I got back home, I had nothing else to do, so we Skype called again. I sang songs to him all weekend(I enjoy singing). We became friends very quickly and we would ask each other questions. We even looked some up because we ran out of our own (lol) ! We share quite a bit in common other than living in completely different places.

Author's Note: This is the end of Chapter 1! I hope you enjoyed it! More Chapters will come soon.

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