F i v e

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"Sometimes after a storm people say there was no warning. There was a warning ,but nobody was listening"

I got out of bed and threw on a large t-shirt over my panties. It's 10 in the morning and thats early for me to be awake. I usually don't get up until 11:30 to 12 ,but I decided that I needed to get up because I have a training session with Jonah scheduled in a few hours and also the plan is happening tonight so I need some time to drink and sober up before it. But I still want to feel the buzz and the heavenly liquid flow through my blood stream tonight because I know Aaron won't let me near a drop of liquor once we get to the club.

I walk downstairs and through the living room. To get to the kitchen I have to pass the guys that were eating breakfast on the couch. Food, bottles and papers clutter the living room table and they were all talking and joking with each other. Aaron isn't sitting with them; I guess he hasn't gotten up yet I thought.

The laughing quieted down when I walked in ,but I kept looking forward intending to go to the kitchen without any socializing. I knew they were starring at my body and legs since I had nothing covering them,  but Aaron tells me this is my house as much as its theirs so be comfortable. He never fusses over what I wear so Ive gotten used to walking around the Fortress in only t-shirts , tank tops and shorts.

" Wow ,up before noon and you're walking straight? You must not have been drinking and my man must not be working out that back right," Zach yells out after me when I try to pass, intentionally trying to get a rise out of me and crack jokes in front of the guys. Like I said, attention seeker but if its a rise he wants , its a rise he'll get.

"At least he got someone to hit it with. I know you're so desperately waiting for some low self esteem girl to come around for you to smash so you can finally take off your purity ring. You little punk ass virgin," I said with a condescending and sarcastic voice. The purity ring joke was referring to the ugly gold ring he is so proud of and always brags about. My comeback receiving "oohs" and laughter to break out. As the laughter grew louder so did my smirk and Zach's anger.

"You little bit-," Zach began but stopped himself. He knows how I feel about that word, everyone does. Everyone knows not to address me with that word or it will be that last word they'll say.

"You wanna finish that sentence?" My voice promising death if he did. He thought for a moment, hesitating with his answer.

" I ain't scared of you ,but it ain't worth getting chewed out by Aaron," he said still trying to hold up a hard front.

"Mhm" I sucked my teeth and turned on my heel heading to my original destination. I got something for him later.

Walking into the kitchen I see Thomas wiping down the counters and stove with his back to me.
"What no plate for me?" I say with fake irritation knowing it will freak him out. Thomas is scrawny, pale face , with shaggy ginger hair. Freckles dominante his face , making it look like a complicated connect the dots game. He's timid, but he can cook his butt off; he was hired to cook for all the guys and me that live in the fortress because I sure wasnt about to do it like girls are "expected" to.

"I- uhh. I mean you- you're never up this early. Im sorry I wasnt expecting you for breakfast. I have a plate saved for Aaron but- but I can go and make you anything you want. Im so sor-," he was rambling almost pleading for me to not to be mad. I cut him off before he pisses his pants in fear.

" Just make me my coffee and a side of cherries. Thats all the breakfast I need," I said flatly. He's a nice guy, but I can't help but love how terrified he is of me.

Thomas nods his head and rushes to retrieve what I ask for.

He hands me the hot mug of caffeine and a bowl full of black cherries, aka the best combination. I take a sip of my drink only to choke on it in disgust.
"What is this?" I growl after I swallowed it down.

"It's- It's what you asked for," Thomas stuttered.

"No this is coffee, plain coffee. When I asked for my coffee I meant the coffee I get with a kick" I say with a duh tone. When ever I get coffee its mixed with bourbon or whiskey always.

" Well you see Luka , Aaron gave strict orders for me to limit how much alcohol I give to you" he rushed out never looking me in my eyes.

"Well would you rather deal with Aaron or me?" My unspoken threat hanging in the air.

"Uhh- I uhh-"

" I think he'd rather deal with me since I am the one that pays him," Aaron says entering the kitchen. His tan colored chest on display , and his hair loose and wild, but still looked sexy even though he just rolled out of bed.

"So you're cutting me off completely now?" I ask Aaron. The idea of it is already making my palms sweat and chest tighten.

" No ,not completely but you don't need any right now. Aren't you training with Jonah soon anyway?"

"Yeah but-" I began but he cut me off by grabbing me by my hips and placing a finger to my lips.

"No buts. Now take your alcohol free coffee and cherries , and march your fine tail up the stairs." His breath fanning my ear as his fingers slide down lower past my hips.

"Is that an order?" I replied with a smirk.

"Yeah it is"

"To bad I don't take orders," I whispered back.

"From me you do." With those final words he ended our conversation by molding our lips together. He attacked my mouth with his.  His teeth grazing my bottom lip.

Hollers and cheers came from behind us causing us to pull apart. The boys were watching and cheering like Aaron and I were the most interesting game ever.

"No y'all keep going! I just wanna watch," Brandon called out with a seductive look.

" I bet. Watching us must be better than your computer screen since thats the only action you get," I retorted. Im pissed over the fact that Aaron and I's moment was interrupted ,but still amused that all my comebacks this morning are jabs at how they can't get none.

I turned back to the kitchen and grabbed my mug and bowl. I also slipped my hand under neath the counter and grabbed the gun that was stashed there for emergencies.
I balanced the cup and cherries and in one arm and the gun clutched in my hand.

I walked back to Aaron kissing him on the cheek and headed for the stairs but stopped in the middle of the living room.

"Oh and Zach." I turned towards him, aimed the gun and pulled the trigger.
The bullet flew and hit the dead center above his head. Shock was written across his face.

"That was a warning shot. If you ever try to call me that again you wont have to worry about Aaron because there won't be a warning." I didn't wait to hear his response or the reactions of the others. I just walked upstairs to my room to get the kick that my drink desperately needed.

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