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*Luka's club outfit*

"You need chaos in your soul to give birth to a dancing star"
~Friedrich Nietzsche

At 8 o'clock I took a shower and started getting dressed. I put on a form fitting black , long sleeve shirt, light washed jean shorts with rips at the bottom and knee high black boots. My makeup consists of black smokey eyes with sunset orange rimming the top, mascara and eye liner. Making my eyes look like they're blazing with a light brown fire. I also dabbed on a nude pink gloss on my lips.

When I was done ,I go to the meeting room and meet all the guys.

"Finally, we can start!" Zach says with an over dramatic sigh. I just roll my eyes and walk over to stand beside Aaron.

"You look so sexy," Aaron whispers into my ear.

"I know," I say with a smirk.

"Luka switch your boots for these," Brandon says refocusing my attention on the matter at hand. Brandon places a pair of black knee high boots on the steel table. They look fairly similar to the ones I'm wearing, but the heel is slightly thicker and I can tell there is more leg space at the top.

"Why? I don't think I need your fashion tips."

"Oh I know that , but if everything goes as planned they are going to body search you ,but you need to have the recorders on you. I modified the soles of these boots so you can pull out the sole and keep the recorders in there like a secret compartment. Plus I gave you extra legs space to store your gun."
Brandon explains. He picks up one of the boots and demonstrates how all I have to do is twist the heel to the left then right twice and pull for the sole to open. He puts the small listening devices in both the soles of my shoes and gives them to me to put on. I hate to admit it but the boots fit and looked better than the ones I was previously wearing. Not like I'd tell Brandon that though.

" And I don't have to worry about the bottom of my shoes coming apart right?" I questioned.

"Right. Scouts honor baby." He says with a suppose to be seductive voice. His eyes began to wander north of my body ,but when they look back into mine all the lust is gone. My murderous look killing it.

"Or just scouts honor. Whatever works for you," he says taking back the "baby".

I glanced at Aaron wondering if Brandon calling me baby and basically eye raping me had angered him but he didn't seem to raise an eyebrow. He probably knows that I can handle myself so he doesn't need to worry I thought.

After that Aaron, Zach, Brandon and the rest of the boys prepped me for the mission. Once again I noticed that there's still no River.

They give me an ear piece that's connected to Zach's and Aaron's so we can communicate since we're the only three that's going. I tucked a gun in both boots and strapped 2 knives underneath my shirt. Lastly I had my phone placed firmly in my bra.

After all preparations were made, Aaron, Zach, and I get into Aaron's sleek black McLaren and head to the club that's completely owned by the Jokers. Club Chaos.

"When you go to follow Aaron you take out your ear piece and destroy it. Then..." Zach says explaining the plan for the 5th time since we've gotten into the car. He's explaining it like I'm a deaf , illiterate ,five year old. I wish I was deaf right now so I wouldn't have to listen to him run his mouth a mile a minute but I'm only half listening while I stare out the window watching the street lights blur by.

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