chapter 9

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~Ross' pov~

"we have to wait but she was reacting with her pupils so she probably will be okay and we think she will wake up in 5 or 6 days" the doctor says.

"thanks doc"

I sit down on the bed next to Sydney and the doctor walks away. I stroke her hair and start crying.

"I don't know if you can hear me but im sorry Sydney we shouldn't took you to that club or let you drink this much. Please wake up again but take your time. I need you. I love you. Please don't go away from me"

I let myself fall down on the ground and just cry. Rocky walks into the room.

"hey ross" he has a softer voice then normal.

I only cry and cant get any words out my mouth.

"she is going to be alright maybe not now and maybe not in a day but she will lets go home"

I wipe away my tears and look at my brother.

"I need her rocky I need her"

Rocky grabs my hand and I stand up.

"you have to be strong for her"

We walk away and I look back at her laying there. When we arrive home I lay down in bed and fall asleep.

*the next morning*

I wake up and look at my phone. I got a text from jay.

J: yo dude

R: hey

J: okay whats wrong? You never just 'hey'

R: you remember Sydney right?

J: yea...

R: me and riker let her getting drunk and now shes in the hospital she almost died in my arms..

J: woa dude!! :o can I come over?

R: I wanna go to the hospital sorry...

J: yea sure that's understandable good luck!

R: thanks dude!

J: no probs

I lay my phone down and walk downstairs.

"ross I made you breakfast" my mom says from the kitchen.

"I don't want any I want to go to Sydney" I say and walk outside.

I walk straight towards the hospital and when I arrive I go to Sydney's room. Two people are standing there.

"hello" I say.

"hello are you a friend of Sydney?"


"were her aunt and uncle we heard what happened to her"

"im sorry"

"how do you know her?"

"from school"

I walk to the other side of her bed and sit down on a chair. I just look at her.

"do you want to be alone with her" the aunt asks.

"can i?"

"yes sure we'll wait in the waiting room"

"okay thanks"

They walk out and close the door.

"Sydney if you hear me please wake up" I lay my head on her belly my face facing hers.

I sit up again and kiss her forehead. When I pull away she starts blinking. I start tearing up from happiness and quickly push the button next to her bed. 3 minutes later a nurse walks in "whats the problem?"

"she blinked!"

"okay tell me exactly when and what you did because she probably reacted from something you did"

"I was sitting here and I kissed her forehead and then she blinked like 3 minutes ago cuz I immediately pushed the button"

"do you mind giving her a little kiss again?"

I give her another kiss on her forehead and this time she moves her fingers.

"im going to get a doctor"


A minute later the nurse comes back with the doctor.

"so she has blinked and moved her fingers after you kissing her forehead?"


"this will probably be awkward for you but please kiss her on the lips maybe she will wake up but first do you two are a couple?"

"honestly we don't we only made out a couple of times but I do have deep feelings for her and I think she has those for me too"

"alright, can you kiss her on the lips then?"

"I will do anything to wake her up again"

I look at her for a second and then kiss her on the lips for around 10 seconds. When I pull back me the doctor and the nurse look at her. After an minute she starts blinking and then she opens her eyes. I fall down on my knees crying from happiness.

"w-what happened? Where am i?" Sydney says.

"you got an alcohol poisoning and your in the hospital" the doctor says "can you remember what your name is and your birthday?"

"my name is Sydney and my birthday is on 3 september"

Im still sitting on my knees loving to hear her voice.

"do you remember things from before you got drunk"

"I-I think I was with two guys in their home and then we left for a club more I don't remember"

I stand up "do you remember me?"

"I was with you and your brother" she says.

"do you know my name?"


I wipe away a tear.

"can you come back in an hour?" the doctor asks.

"yea sure"

I walk out and sit in the waiting room.

*a hour later*

"is ross lynch still here?" a nurse asks walking into the waiting room.

"im here" I say and walk towards her.

"she doesn't recognize any names only stuff that happened she needs time to recover and she will have her memory back in about 2 weeks"

"okay thankyou so much" I say and walk away.


Okaaaaaaay soo thankyou all for reading my story i hope you like it!! Please vote ! And comment what you think of it! I really want to know what you all think :) but anyway im

More then greatfull for the ammound of reads i already have

Xxxxxx Nerissa Lynch <3

The me inside myself (a Ross Lynch fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora