chapter 15

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~Sydney' pov~

*the next morning*

I wake up by rocky waking me up.

"hey you have to go to school" he says.

"hmm I know.." I say and sit up.

"go get changed I will drive you and ross"

"thanks rocky" I say and walk to rydel' room to grab some other clothes. I grab a yellow tank top with love on it and some ripped skinny jeans out her closet. I change myself in her room too because I know no one is going into there. After I changed I go into the bathroom to brush my teeth. I walk to the kitchen seeing some pancakes on a plate with a note.

'hey Sydney these are for you xoxo stormie'

Stormie is so sweet making breakfast special for me. I eat them and go to the living room. Rocky and ross where already waiting for me.

"im done" I say.

"finally" rocky says jokingly and ross laughs.

Ross and I sit in the back and rocky drives us to school.

"thanks rocky" we both say and step out.

"no problem and ross behave" he says like a dad.

I laugh and ross just smiles at him. Rocky drives away and we go into school talking about last night. As we reach the lockers we start giggling about things from last night. Cindy walks up to us and smiles at me and giving ross the 'I hate you so much' look. I still laugh getting tears in my eyes from laughing and so does ross.

"hey Sydney" cindy says.

"h-hey" I say laughing.

Ross and I finally stop laughing and ross opens his locker getting some stuff out of it.

"you two made up again?" cindy asks whispering.

"yea" I whisper back.

"oh well bye then" she says and walks away.

"what was that about?" ross asks.

"she hates me for making it up to you again"

"oh well then just ignore her you have me and my family and we will always be there for you" he says and hugs me.

I pull out the hug "I know"

He smiles and wraps his arm around me but just as friends and we both know that. In the classes we sit next to each other and even in lunch break ross sits with me and not with his 'cool' friends.

*Friday after school (a week later)*

I hang out at the lynches house like almost everyday and now it is vacation so I can hang out with them even more. I also already preformed with R5 and it was amazing I never felt so good. I am at the lynches house right now too. We were playing videogames when I get a text from my MOM!

M: Sydney. we don't want you anymore to be our child anymore. so we go to court and get our names of your birth certificate. So you can be adopted.

I drop my phone and burst out crying. Ross rydel and rocky who were playing with me look at me. I burry my face in ross' neck and he starts hugging me and rubbing my arm.

"guys" rydel says soft and shows them the text from my mom.

"woa" ross and rocky say.

Rocky and rydel start rubbing my back and side too.

"its going to be alright" rocky says.

I wipe away my tears and sit straight up again.

"h-how can she just text me like that?" I say almost crying again.

"she never really loved you didn't she?" rydel says.

"no" I say.

"she doesn't deserve you then" rocky says.

"if we could we would adopt you" ross says.

"yea totally" rocky and rydel agree which makes me smile for a second until I think about that they will never do that. My unlce and aunt are getting old and probably don't want me for until they die.Im scared that I have to be in a foster home.i could buy my own home too so I don't have to go to one.

"what do you guys think of me buying my own home so I don't have to go to a foster home" I say looking at them.

"omg! You should do that and then we can have sleepovers at your home and just hang out there" rydel says jumping up.

"one little problem I don't have enough money"

"you can tour with us this vacation and then you can sing with us a couple times and get the half of the money we get so you can buy your home" ross says.

"really?!" I say smiling so big and almost crying from happiness.

"sure" rocky says.

"that so sweet"

I give them a group hug "lets get back to the videogames i really want to forget it right now"

We play video games some longer and it gets dark.

"are you sleeping over?" ross asks.

"yea sure" I say and hug him because im still happy about what they want to do for me. We all were sitting in ross' room again. i pull back from the hug I gave ross and cuddle one of his many blankets.

~Ross' pov~

Riker rocky and rydel go to their own rooms and Sydney stays in my room in ryland' bed because he is with savannah. Sydney jumps on rylands bed still holding one of my blankets.I lay down under my blankets and put off the lights.

"ross" she says softly "can I sleep in your bed and that you sleep in rylands bed?"

"why?" I ask and look at her confused.

"because your bed is so comfy and soft" she says and suddenly I feel her crawling in my bed.

"or you can just sleep in it with me" I say.

"hmm" she mumbles and lays against me.

Its feels so nice having her sleeping against me again just like before. Its so cute but she is only my friend now. I wrap my arm around her and fall asleep too.

*the next morning*

I wake up seeing sydneys really happy face next to me.

"hey rossy" she says smiling really big.

"hey Sydney" I say.

She suddenly hugs me really tight.

"wow whats this for?" I ask confused.

She lets go of me and grabs her phone.

"because I apparently was recording all night and I really didn't know I swear but listen to your voice on the end" she says still smiling.


I honestly get a bit nervous about what I said in my sleep what made her smile so big. I think that its something about my feelings for her. She hits the play button. I hear myself saying 'Sydney will you marry me?'

Sydney smiles again and looks at me "do you still have feelings for me?"

The me inside myself (a Ross Lynch fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now