chapter 16

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~Ross' pov~

"i-I uhm... yes" I say and my face turns bright red.

"ahhw" she says and hugs me "that's so sweet"

Riker walks into the room "hey guys whats happening here?"

"nothing" I say quick and Sydney lets go of me.

"ross talked in his dream asking me to marry him" Sydney says smiling.

"hey ross can I talk to you on the hallway for a second?" riker asks.

"sure bro" I say and stand up only being in my boxers and walk to the hallway with him.

"dude just asks her out again" he says.

"no im scared to break her heart again and she already has enough problems"

"just ask her and she will be happy again and forget her problems and I mean this whole week you didn't break her heart so why would you now?"

"I don't know"

"and did you even noticed how she was smiling at you she defenatly still likes you too just go for it cuz if you wont I will"

"okay okay" I say and walk back into the room.

Sydney looks at me a I walk in and sit down on the bed again.

"Sydney I was wondering?" I look at her.

She looks back with big eyes and a smile "what"

~Sydney' pov~

Ross wants to ask me something and I hope he asks me to be his girlfriends again.

"I uhm I wanted to asks you if.." he says nervously.

"if..?" I ask wanting him to ask it right now!

"if you want to be my girlfriend again" he asks.

YES! That exactly what I wanted him to ask!

"of course!" I say before crashing my lips on his.

I pull back and look at him and he looks back into my eyes and i see that spark in his eyes again. Riker storm into the room cheering and ross and I look at him. I guess he heard what we said.. Riker hugs me and then high fived ross. After that he runned away and a minute later he came back dragging rocky and rydel with him. Wow riker is way to happy.. He souldnt be this happy I mean i know he has a crush on me too so he sould be a bit sad. Not that I want him to be sad. Rydel hugs me and congrats us and so does rocky.

*two weeks later*

So many happened in these two weeks I officially lost my parents, got my own house, preformed with my boyfriend and his band. Everything is finally working out for me the only bad thing is that school started again. Ross is so supportive en he often stays at my home to sleep over. I had lots of fun with rydel and savannah too, we started our own girl club and go out for dinner ones in the 2 weeks and have a sleepover too. Right now I have a sleepover with the boys in my home. sometimes I only want to be with the boys too. Only ryland is almost never here when all the boys are because he is always busy with savannah. Right now Were playing videogames and im sitting on ross' lap.

Were always making this bet that who loses has to drink some beer. Nobody of the girls know about it but its so much fun. When we all get drunk it's the most fun because then were going skating in the park at midnight. You probably know what happens when its dark and drunk people are skating on skateboard ramps. BSometimes I feel like im one of the boys and I like that cuz their really acting like im one of the boys and they treat me like im one of them.

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