First Impressions (When You Meet)

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This is the first time I've written scenarios so I hope you guys enjoy! I'm not promising anything with updates because I never know when I'll get a bout of inspiration!

Also, thanks, ninjastormking and Squeaky_Iki for putting up with me and reading over them while I wrote these! You're both huge helps!

Sorry if some of them are too short or too long. I just kind of started writing and it happened.

Something I might need to clarify: Some readers are ninjas, while others aren't. It just depends on which character I was writing for and what I felt I could best work with that character. 

Also, Kakashi's reader is blind. 

All of these are set in Shippuden, but some will start out earlier on.



The wind whistled through the trees as you walked, humming a slight tune in the mid-summer air. The wind provided a much-needed relief from the heat wave that had been storming Konoha recently. Spirits in the city were high and you felt yourself bouncing on your toes as you made your way down the street and to the ramen shop you had come to adore.

You chuckled slightly when you heard a boisterous voice booming from the inside. "C'MON, POPS! A LARGE HELPING OF MISO RAMEN WITH PORK, PLEASE!"

You had never personally met the Uzumaki, but you had seen him around a lot. He was a frequent customer at Ichiraku's, and whenever he wasn't working or training, he was eating ramen. That much was common knowledge among the townsfolk.

As you sat and ordered (food), you couldn't help wondering what your next mission would be. You had made chunin several months ago, and the missions were much more challenging than you were used to. Sighing, you quickly finished eating and paid.

When you made to step down from the bar, however, fate had other plans.

You tripped.

You had always been clumsy, so you had gotten rather good at falling. You made to catch yourself but were stopped abruptly by something hard and soft at the same time.

"Careful," A voice tinged with laughter rang out above you. "You might hurt yourself." Glancing up, you saw that it was none other than Uzumaki Naruto. "Are you alright?"

Face burning, you tucked a loose strand of hair behind one ear and nodded. "Yeah, thanks."

He smiled. "I'm Naruto!"

His contagious smile spread across your face in a grin of you own. "(Y/N)!"

"Well, I'm glad I was around to catch you, (Y/N)!"


The air crackled with electricity as a boy about your age strutted into the center of the market square. He did a quick 360 to scan the area, and you could've sworn that his cold eyes lingered on you for slightly longer than you were comfortable with.

When you turned to head home, however, fate had other plans.

You collided into the boy you had been watching mere seconds before as he narrowed harsh eyes at you.

"You should watch where you're going." His voice was as unwelcoming as you had imagined it.

"You should watch where you're standing!" You shot back. "It's creepy to just materialize directly behind of young girls that are alone, ya know!"

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