Wild the Hedgehog

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***not everything is here (not all likes or dislikes, Fears, abilities, personality traits, or anything like that are here either). This is just basic info***

Real name:
Aiden Wilder

Current Name:





Servant of The Seven Menaces.

Victoria (mother)
Gerard (father)
Bros:Alex, Mikey, Joey (Joseph)
sisters: Stella, Isabella (Bella or Izzy), Marie

No one (canonically)



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(Short description) Personality: He is a crazy, weird, wild, hyper energetic, stubborn servant of the Menaces with a heart of gold

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(Short description) Personality:
He is a crazy, weird, wild, hyper energetic, stubborn servant of the Menaces with a heart of gold. He may complain about his life as a servant but over time he seemed to have forgiven the Menaces for their attitudes since he got to know about their pasts. He also prefers them over his real family since they completely ignored him. Wild sometimes shifts in moods from being the voice of reason, doing and saying stupid things and making stupid sounds, as well as putting on a sarcastic or emotional attitudes. He hates when other people are forced to be servants like him so he often tries to befriend them and make them comfortable at the base or he'll try to help them escape. He's also a servant that has an attitude like "I'm cleaning only what I want to clean" which ends up with him leaving lots of the base untouched.

Wild likes almost just about anything. He likes being appreciated, thanked for his work/help and he likes making most people happy, unless they are rude jerks. One of his favorite people is Gwendal since he treats the servant better than the rest! Wild has an interest in camping, being absolutely stupid with his friends, hanging with his pals Hipster and Greek especially. He loves skateboarding, rocking out to music, and more!

Cleaning, doing other people's work/job, being bossed around, getting yelled at, tortured, his allergies, not being thanked for his work, Hipster's weird games and recipes (sometimes), people hate when he's being his natural overly crazy self, being used as a diversion, cleaning the basement (especially Snip's part), and more.


He is a very skilled skateboarder and has won a few competitions with his friends.
Though not as good as Greek, he displays great survival skills especially if something goes awry while camping in the woods.
He is also pretty good at Singing and he's not afraid to belt out the notes while jamming to his favorite songs on headphones while working.
When he actually feels like doing his job, he is actually a very good cleaner too.
Another thing he is capable of is being able to defend himself well and he can run pretty fast though no where near as fast as Twitch or Sonic.

He fears he'll always be stuck as a servant for The Menaces.
Any other fears are unknown

Allergic to dust which makes him sneeze and itch a lot

Undetermined just yet

How he came to be:
Since The Seven Menaces were based off Block B (my friend's version) my friend had made a servant, named Aubrie Smith, for them. Wild was based off her character (with her help and permission) and the two servants are known as great friends!

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