Banda de Quince (gang)

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What does Banda de Quince Mean?:
Spanish for
Band of Fifteen

Why is it named that?:
Because there's 15 coyotes (15 horses, like Becky, too but they aren't considered to be apart of the group since they act as transportation) in the group and the Spanish Banda de Quince sounds more catchy and cooler than the english Band of Fifteen name.

Their goal is fame and fortune. Also the boss wants to marry Becky so they work together to try and get her for him.

These characters are the only ones I've ever made that drink and smoke and such. I did that for realism and it just fits their characters.
Official Members:
leader of the Banda de Quince gang.

He has a position something like a second hand man or next guy in charge since he is serious and most mature.

Just like Twitch, he can't feel at all! He's pretty serious and laid back. He honestly doesn't care about the gang or want to be in it. He's only there to keep an eye on his younger brother, Roy, who is more than happy to be there. So, despite that, he does as told.

Just one of the members of the group. He's sometimes quiet but can usually be excited and shout. He loves making bets and throwing his hat up in excitement. He's also good with guns which he has a habit of polishing it up constantly. He's also skilled with computers and hacking.

A guy all about drinking and checking out the ladies. He's a pretty hard worker and listens to the boss's orders immediately. He's good with crafting things from wood, which he has as a hobby for.

Roy is Jesse's bro! He is often childish and care free. He is the least mature and often sucks up to the boss a lot. He's considered annoying and he often tries to be 'cool' like the boss. He's usually happy and always chuckling too. You usually see him drinking too.

Wyatt is normal guy and just wants what the rest of the others want; fame and fortune. He usually helps keeping hostages in line by waving his gun a bit, showing he has it ready. He's also good at helping the gang dig their way out and busting their way out of the cells in jail due to his strong arms he can dig longer and faster.

A guy who is skilled with a gun and is great at sneaking around and stealing things; whether it's purses, wallets, money from banks, etc. he's great at cracking safes too!

A trigger-happy (can rapidly shoot a gun in other words) guy who is all about gambling, practice shooting for fun, and drinking. He is kind of a cocky member and likes to speak his mind and doesn't care what anyone thinks.

The chef of the group along with Milt. He loves cooking a lot! He's also one of the only guys other than Emmett and Jesse that can't stand trash, cigars and bottles laying everywhere from the other guys. He likes to clean though he doesn't go overboard or anything.

-Dan (Dirty Dan)-
He gets his nickname Dirty Dan because he is the most ruthless. He loves using explosives and loves killing. He's not afraid to get his hands dirty if he has to.

A guy who's passionate about cooking and likes to relax and be at peace more often then going out causing havoc. Though he acts like the others, deep down he's wondering if being in the gang all for fame and fortune was worth it. He kind of envies Flint and Bandit.

Just a member of the gang who does as told. He is often daydreaming and is usually sleepy. He can take a nap at practically anytime at almost any place. He usually complains about pain but unbeknownst to him he has a disease that barely shows symptoms.

A member who is excellent with running locomotive steam engines (trains) and can expertly run across the roofs of the cars when/if fighting someone like Bandit for example while the train is moving. He's also great with explosives.

He's a member who keeps track of the guns, making sure they are clean and loaded. He is often bored when cooped up but he does enjoy a good round of poker which he's addicted to.
Former Members:
-Blake/Bandit the Hedgehog-
Bandit used to be in the gang simply to survive by having food, shelter, etc. after his break up from the Menaces. He had the fastest draw with a gun in the group and was very clever and great with disguises making him one of the best men to carry out crimes and such. He received all his skills by training with and observing the members. He was also in charge of cooking with Flint, keeping track of their loot, being a look out for the sheriff, etc.

-Flint Milton the Coyote-
Flint used to be apart of the gang, wanting fame and fortune like them. He was one of the best men for fighting, sneaking around undetected like a ninja, cooking, locking up and tying up hostages (and transporting them). Etc.

-Becky Neighton the Horse-
Becky was captured, forcing her to join the group. She was experimented on like all of the other horses (and like Lucky who was captured before and experimented on but he escaped soon after). Her experiment, like the other horses' experiments, was kept secret from the members at first and only Cyrus and some of the other members knew. She was used as transportation and Cyrus wanted to marry her but Bandit found out her secret and ran away with her, postponing the wedding Cyrus had planned.
15 Horse Members:










William (Will)




Any questions about the group? Ask away!

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