BuFerd Anthony Gyle

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A/N: This WILL be updated and fixed later, especially in case I forgot anything, but this is what I have for now. Pictures will be up soon too.

BuFerd Anthony Gyle

the best way I can put it.

-Angel Boy (mostly by those who mock him or don't know his name yet)
-Mister (by kids or by anyone who doesn't know him)

human with super abilities




23th-24th of December (happens right at midnight)



Ability Type:


-BuFerd has a fit body which is agile and flexible, helping him to pull off impressive physical abilities.
-He's skilled in hand to hand combat, using swords, and has fast reflexes too to aid him in these feats.
-He's clever and can be often very sneaky, very swift and observant if he needs to be especially since he is intelligent.
-He is great with reverse psychology and can think fast especially in sticky situations.
-can fly (can fly very fast) with wings. He can make them appear or disappear at will.
-has incredible endurance while taking damage
-can survive and can breath up in space without any special equipment
-can stand and walk on clouds

-Super Speed: can fly and run at super light speeds and can easily break the sound barrier
-Super Strength: He is so strong that he can punch through solid rock/boulders/earth. He can only punch through certain solid metals however.
-Super Endurance: He can can survive for a LIMITED amount of time in lava. He can also be thrown from space to Earth or a far off planet and survive though will probably pass out and will be significantly damaged. Etc.
-can create shields, energy blasts, portals to travel through time and dimensions, and more BUT only with his halo and scepter.

Transformations/Alternate forms:
-he doesn't have other forms except for Anti-BuFerd aka Dark BuFerd. This is a form that only appears when anyone evil corrupts him on purpose, turning him into a pure evil being.

Hobbies and Talents:
-he loves to read often
-he's skilled at badminton, volleyball, Angel Ball (same as volleyball but it takes place in the sky/clouds) and finds it fun to play. 
-he enjoys playing many kinds of games and is skilled at chess
-he loves soccer and just enjoys playing it.
-he loves to play bowling and is quite good at it.
-dancing is one of his favorite things to do. He's very good at dancing.
-he loves singing and has a REALLY nice, angelic singing voice too.
-he likes doing crosswords and other puzzles in spare time.
-he loves learning different languages which helps him greatly in his line of work.
-he loves playing piano and violin because he finds them to be soothing and nice sounding instruments.
-he also loves cooking and baking and is very good at it.
-one of his hobbies is to clean. It's relaxing to him. He'll often go clean his church (that place is huge since there's so many Angels)

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