And You Say Your Life Is NORMAL?!?

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And You Say Your Life Is NORMAL?!?-1

I'm kinda new to Wattpad, so help me out! The begining is a bit boring-I know and I'm sorry. I'm trying to make this short, so have fun reading!

Enjoy!!! ;D

"Finally" I groaned to my best friend Jessica.

"School seemed to last like FOREVER!" she said.

It's Thursday May 6, and I can't beleive I actually made it through the day!

"Macey!" my other friend Katie yelled.

"Katie!" I yelled back.

"Today was just too long!"

"I know!"

"Sit with me on the bus" Jess whispered as she passed me.

"I thought I already was. But ok."

On the bus we really just talked about how boring and slow today was. Oh yeah, and also how I have absolutely nothing to do, (which is uncommon) but Jess is going to the mall with her cousin, and Katie has track practice.

I got of the bus and went inside my house. It's a cream color with a dark red roof. It's not too big, but it does have four bedrooms. I grabbed a Twinkie (my favorite, but no. I'm not fat) from the snack drawer, and went to my room.

I have the master bedroom, and it's lavender. Along my room I have layered tissue paper squares glued on my wall. It looks pretty sweet. Up against my wall, I have a BIG white dresser with a mirror. I have a small closet, but the closet and dresser are stuffed with clothes from my favorite stores. Stores like Abercrombie, American Eagle, Hot Topic, Aèropostale, etc. (Haha! I just used up a whole paragraph describing my room! Wow...)

All I did there was pretty much play on my iPod touch until about 3:30, when my mom got back from taking my sister, Kaitlyn, to work. She then got my 7 year old brother, Matt, off the bus, along with my 9 year old sister, Paige.

"Macey! Come here real quick!" my mum shouted up the stairs. When I got down there, she asked me if I wanted to come to Matt's baseball game.

"Ya, sure. I have nothing else to do." I said answering her question.

I went back up to my room and started looking at my fifth grade yearbook. Now I'm 12 and in seventh grade. As I was flipping through, a came upon Mr. Kanto's fourth grade class. These are all kids who are now in sixth grade, but I knew alot of them. There's Mike, a kid who's so baby cute, you wouldn't even think it was possible, and Jake, my mum's friend's son. Also In that class were Jason, the kid who REALLY likes me (it's kinda creepy), and Sean, the super hot kid who I kind of have a crush on. I don't really think he likes me though. He probably thinks I'm a huge creep because of what Jason did in February.


It was only a day after I told Jason that I LOVED Sean's hair. (it's bleach blonde. Who can resist that? Honestly!)

Jess, Katie, me, and our other friend Trish came walking out of school together. We were about in front of the main office when we saw Jason pointing at me with an evil smile on his face. Standing right next to him was Sean who was grinning/smirking. I had an EXTREMELY mad expression on my face so did Jess. Katie looked shocked, and Trish ran at Jason. Sean just walked away grin/smirking. While Jason ran to where our bus is suppossed to come. That was probably the worst day of my life because of that reason. I also later found out that Jason didn't tell Sean that I just liked his hair (which I do), but he plain out told him I liked him (which I do not)

~~~~~~~~~~~END OF FLASHBACK~~~~~~~~~~~

So yeah. Worst day of my life. And I hardly even know the kid! I dont even like seeing him in the hallways. I'm starting to get over it, but I don't think I'll ever forget that day. We left for the baseball game and arrived at the field about 10 minutes later.

Since my dad is the coach, we got there early. My dad and Matt started warming up until some of the other players started arriving. We are the orange team and are playing the yellow team today.

I saw some kids I know on the yellow team; Hunter, Max, David, and then... Tyler.

Oh God no.

I have a bad feeling that a certian person might be here with him...

Ohhh! Cliffhanger! I love those! Well I hope you like it! I'll be posting the next one keep reading and maybe become a fan. Comments are nice. Good and bad ones. Tell me what you liked, didn't like, what I did wrong, what you think will happen next, etc! It's all good! I'll be happy with any comments! Look forward to And You Say Your Life Is NORMAL?!?-2

And you say your life is NORMAL?!?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora