And you say your life is NORMAL?!? 2

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I hope you liked number one! I know it took long to post, but this one's going to be a bit better. Im going to try to post at least every other week. These stories are based on something that really happened (soon im gonna spice it up a bit!) so thats why its been kinda boring lately. I want to thank Sinclair1888 for being the only one to make suggestions for changes I should make. Thanks!

Enjoy! ;D

Mrs. Davies came over and started talking to my mum. After about five minutes, she went over to her team. Mrs. Davies is Tyler's mum.

Then, the person I least wanted to be there showed up... Tyler's brother. Sean Davies. He was passing a baseball back and forth with his friend Ricki. His real name is Patrick, though. I decided to act like he wasn't here and go warm up with my dad's team.

Once the game started, I went to watch it on the sidelines with my mum. Its been maybe five minutes into the game, and she leans over and whispers, "You should go play with Lily so Mrs. Smith can watch the game" to me. I agree and walk over to where they are rolling a baseball around in the grass. One of Mrs. Smith's sons is on Matt's team, and Lily, who is just the cutest two year old EVER, just happens to be Tyler and Sean's little sister.

I give Mrs. Smith the message, she thanks me, and goes over to help out in the batting cages.

Lily seems to be having fun. I try to make conversation, but it doesn't go well. This is how it goes:

"Hi Lily!"

"Hewo" she says, hardly paying attention.

"Are you two years old?"

She holds up two fingers and nods her head.

But now she sees Andy, Mrs. Smith's other son, playing with the pebbles. She starts to walk over to him, but I quickly grabbed her. Those pebbles are disgusting and I really don't want Lily's mum to see her with dirt all over her shirt.

We start playing with a baseball again, Andy too, when her brother comes over. Not Tyler. I wish. No, it was Sean. He joins in and then asks me, "So why are you here?"

"Oh, my, umm, little brother, Matt, is on, umm, the orange team, and my dad's the, umm, coach" I reply nervously.

"Thats cool. My brother Tyler is on the yellow team"

"Wow. How does he say that so smoothly?!? I'm nervous as hell!" I think to myself.

"I know." I say, joining back into the conversation.

Lily gets up to go to the pebbles again, so I grab her. On her third attemt, I just let her go.

Sean and I continue our conversation.

"So you have any other brothers or sisters?" he questions

"Yeah. An older sister Kaitlyn, a younger sister Paige, and Matt. What about you?" I ask, although I already know the answer.

"Just Lily and Tyler."

Andy travels over to the trail, and of course Lily follows.

We go over too, and walk up the trail a bit. Not too far, I don't want her mum to get too uneasy. We walk several yards and then come back. Noting that Lily gets distracted easily, we follow her over to the hillside, but she trips.

" Oh my gosh! Lily are you ok?!?" I ask, my sister senses kicking in.

"She'll be fine" Sean assures me.

She continues her walk to the hillside and starts picking at the grass and throwing sticks. That's what Andy and his friend are doing.

"You are such a bad influence!" I tease Andy and his friend. They are the reason she came over to the hill in the first place. They just giggle.

And you say your life is NORMAL?!?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon