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"There's a girl who comes here a lot. You act a lot like her."

I rolled my eyes at the doctor. Was he trying to say that I'm a copycat? I didn't know that people could tell.

"Hey doc," a familiar voice said.

"Mackenzie Talford, I was just talking about you." The doctor gestured to me. Wow, thanks. Now she probably thinks I'm interested in her. Not that I'm not interested, I'm definitely interested. I just don't want it to be obvious that I'm clearly interested in her.

"So we meet again dumbass," Mackenzie said.

"Wait wait wait," the doctor said. "You fell off a skateboard because you were trying to impress my niece?"

"She's your niece?" I asked. He gestured to his nametag which said doctor Talford. Too bad I'm not observant.

"Sadly, I hate to admit it," Dr.Talford said with a small sigh.

"Wait." Mackenzie interrupted with a smirk. "Well, aren't you just fucking adorable?"

A girl just called me adorable. I don't even know how I'm supposed to react to that. I'm hot and sexy, well, that's a bit off an exaggeration but I am not adorable. I don't want to be known as adorable.

"We should go on a date sometime," I said. The doctor stifled a laugh. I hate him with a passion.

"Yeah, we should, definitely," Mackenzie said. She had a small smile and I couldn't help but feel proud that I had got her to agree to go on a date with me. She didn't even need to be persuaded. She left the room with a wide grin on her face.

"And you're done," Dr.Talford said. "You were too busy flirting to even notice."

"Thanks, doctor."

I gathered my things and went to leave.

"Oh, Lee?"


"Don't break her heart."

"I'm not planning to sir, don't worry about it."

The doctor sighed slightly. "I wasn't talking about Mackenzie."

Okay. Dr.Talford just came out to me. I mean, I'm flattered yeah. He's not my type though, like at all. I'm not into dudes. I just like chicks.

"Hey I'm back," Titania said. "I brought you some coffee."

She handed a cup to my doctor. I was very surprised when she turned and handed the second cup to me. The bracelet was no longer on her wrist.

"You bought me coffee," I stated. "I've never drunk coffee in my life."

"What do you drink?"

"Alcohol and lots of it," I whispered to Titania.

"You better not have said what I thought you said," Dr.Talford said with a stern look.

"Of course I didn't. Don't you trust me?" I asked with a small pout. Titania laughed at my expression.

"Not really, no."

"Well, thanks," I said with a small scowl. "See you next time."

I took a sip of the coffee. My eyes widened. "Titania."

She spun around to face me. "Yeah?"

"This coffee isn't half bad."

I left the room. As soon as I left the room, I threw the coffee in the bin.

The coffee wasn't half bad. In fact, it was good. Too good.

It was perfect.

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