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Lukas' P.O.V
I wake up to the ringing of my oldish phone sighing I pick it up and see Joe's name flash up on the cracked screen, I answer it nervously biting my lip waiting for his husky voice to beam through the speakers when they do the only words that come out of his mouth are "Dude you are late hurry up and I will see you at school!" Before I have the chance to say anything he hung up oh shit it is Monday I go red looking at the time it is 9:25am, I grab my bag, have a wash and get some clothes on not caring how I look well what a way to make an appearance on your first day of Year 11 Lukas ugh.
As I hop off the bus I see Joe sitting on the wall what is he doing? I walk over and I say "Joe hasn't the bell gone?" "Yes but we have a day off due to strike." Joe says "Fuck dude you could have texted me, great now I can't have a lie in." I say staring into his ocean blue eyes before looking away as he says "Let's hang out." "Okay." I say just now noticing his strong jawline and freckles displayed across his nose and cheeks, I look away as he connects his eyes with mine I feel a strange feeling stir in my chest and I feel nervous but in a good way. I flinch at the touch of his hand grabbing my shoulder asking me where I want to go I just shrug and return to reality, as we turn round the corner I see my ex Amy sitting on a bench sipping a Starbucks Latte I let out a frustrated sigh and realised we were going right up to her as the local arcade is behind the bench well this is just great isn't it. I hear her sweet and sickly voice call out "Lukas why did you break up with me we were perfect together?" I don't know what to say and I feel anxious so Joe steps in and says "He doesn't want to be with a tart like you, go pay a fiver to a stranger for sex you whore!" Amy stands up running away crying, good I hate her and her bleach blonde hair and fake tan. I look at Joe and as our eyes lock again I wish I could push him against the cold brick wall,run my fingers in his golden blonde hair and kiss his neck leaving  little traces that he is mine. Joe cuts me out of my thoughts and says "Let's just go back to mine and watch a movie." I mumble a "Sure." blushing as I walk down the empty street replaying my elusive thoughts back in my head struggling to understand why I am thinking about this because I am straight as hell I know that for sure but whenever I lock eyes with Joe I feel nervous... I don't know what is going on but I will get to the bottom of it!
Word Count:571
Hope you liked my first chapter! My next chapter is going to be in Joe's P.O.V and let's just say he has a much dirtier mind than Lukas, just warning you because I am a nice person who cares about my viewers and followers -Jade

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