Planning for Prom

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Lukas' P.O.V
Wtf I have just been signed up for Prom committee from none other than Joe it is not even Prom until next May why do we need to plan for it now it is January? Oh well I guess I'll have something to do and I am working with my best friend so it has gotta be fun, I know that Amy has already got her Prom dress because I was still with her when she bought it. It is a pink sparkly long one paid by none other than her posh and rich parents ugh, why was I even with her I always had a feeling telling she'd cheat on me. Well anyways I guess this Prom committee will keep me busy for awhile and I'm sure my parents wouldn't mind, I feel so guilty when I talk about how kind my parents are in front of Joe because his parents are alcoholics and don't even pay attention to him what a bunch of assholes. I will probably wear a black tuxedo with a black tie and black shoes I don't know who I am going to take maybe me and Joe can just go as friends I don't really care about getting picked as king because I am quite shy and hate loads of fake attention, I'd rather have Amy and Jake win as queen and king anyways they can get all the fake attention they want for all I care. I am brought out of my thoughts as someone shakes my shoulder roughly I turn around and see Joe smiling he is holding up a blue and white tuxedo with white shoes, I ask him how he afforded the outfit he said "My aunt Kerry bought me it for helping with her front lawn." I say "Sweet it looks alright." He says "Thanks." whilst sexily smirking and as I look into his ocean blue eyes and a shot of electricity pangs over my whole body blushing I tell Joe I need the bathroom he says "Okay." As I turn around my whole face goes red and as I look down I realise I have a boner oh shit thank god I went to this bathroom, I sit in the toilet for a bit and think why do I have one it can't be because of Joe he is my best friend ffs. The word bisexual pops up in my head no I can't be and why am I just feeling like this about Joe now? Oh god I think I am in love with my best friend... No I can't be it is probably just a mishap of course as I walk out the bathroom I say bye to Joe and head home, as soon as I get in I log onto my Facebook and see old photos of Joe blushing I shut my computer and shut my eyes falling into a deep dream about Joe omg!
Word Count:544
I knew it Dan and Phil are moving the internet is blowing up, anyways did you like this chapter I bet you thought I was finished at I am in love with my best friend. You thought wrong I am so sorry but the story will go on 😉 -Jade

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