Surprise Surprise

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Keyanna POV

3 months later.

I am now 5 months pregnant and big as a house.

My feet stay swollen I'm always depressed and I'm horny as hell.

Xavier? Xavier hasn't been himself since Ace died he's so depressed and he just looks dead himself.

We tired working it out but it's like the littlest thing set him off .So I decided I would let him wallow in his misery alone.

That was 2 1/2 month's ago and I would be lying if I said I didn't miss him or wanna jump on him everything time he comes to one of the baby appointments.

He looks so good and he smells so nice but I think it's just my pregnancy hormones.

Anyways I now have my own apartment in the downtown area. 3 bedrooms 2 baths it's a real lavish spot but it's no home.

I tried getting a job so I can support myself , the baby , and Amere.

But Xavier insisted he pays for everything and being pregnant and tired and always hungry I let him.

I wobbled into the kitchen in search of some pickles and peanut butter.

I opened the fridge........ "I know we not out of pickles" I said to myself.


I went into my room and threw on my white love pink jogging suit with my sparkly silver uggs.

I had to make a stupid store run.

I grabbed my MK bag and my keys and went to the closet grocery store.

20 minutes later

I got out the car and wobbled into the store.

I grabbed a buggy and went in search of my pickles.

I grabbed my pickles and then realized I wanted some oreos and some whipped cream.

I went into the cookie aisle and was trying to decide if I wanted regular, double stuffed, or the double chocolate. huhhhhhh I might just get them all I thought to myself.

Excuse me a voice said from behind me said.

Oh I'm sorry I said moving out of her way as she grabbed a pack of oreos.

Just then I looked at her face realizing she was the girl from Aces funeral.

She walked back over to her buggy with the familiar little boy in the front part of it.

"Mama" the little boy said sweetly.

"Yes Trenton" the lady answered.


"I wanna cookie" he said reaching for the many packs on the shelves .

"TJ I already got you some cookies now we gotta get the milk". she said turning her buggy around to leave the aisle.

I had to ask I just had to or it'll bother me for the rest of my life.

"Excuse me" I said before she could turn the corner.

"Yes" she said facing me.

"Uhmmm hi you probably don't remember me but I uhmmmm seen you at a friend of mines funeral..... Trenton Davis" as soon as I said that a look of sadness crossed her face. "I came over here because your son looks just like ....... nevermind" I said starting to walk away realizing how stupid I probably sounded.

I walked back to my buggy when I heard her say.

"This is Aces son".

I turned back around I had so many questions but the first was why wouldn't she tell Ace he had a baby. No DNA test had to be done because this baby was a split image of Ace.

I was at a lost for words.

"Can we see him sometimes I mean his grandmother and mother would be so excited knowing it was at least a little piece of him left". I said to her

"I would like that" she said handing me her phone so I could but my number in it.

"Well uhm...."I paused because I didn't know her name.

"Stephanie" she said to me.

"Well it was nice meeting you have a good day Stephanie" I said to her before walking away feeling a lot better knowing Ace left something behind.

Xavier POV

A week later

It's been 3 going on 4 months since I lost my brother and the pain was still there.

The pain, the guilt everything is still there but I know I gotta get myself out this depressed state if not for me at least so I can get my family back I miss them so much.

I'm glad I get to see Keyanna today for the appointment I get to find out if I'm having a girl or a boy today and I couldn't be any happier.

An hour later

I arrived at the doctors office and got out the car. I walked into the semi packed room and scanned the crowd in search of Keyanna. Surprisingly I was here first so I signed us in and then I sat down.

20 mins. later

She finally came wobbling in the office. I haven't seen her since the last appointment I went to and that was like a month ago .

See looked so good even if she only had on a Nike jogging fit and some wheat timberlands.

I wanted her back. I wanted my old life back .I wanted my baby to know I'm going to be there regardless of whatever happens. But first I gotta work on me and -

"Keyanna Willams" the nurse called interrupting my thoughts.

I got up and followed them both into the room.

"OK Ms.Williams I want you to sit up here so we can get you started." The doctor said instructing her to sit on the white bed.

They did a little more talking before the nurse lifted Keyannas shirt putting the gel on it.

"Are you the lucky father of this here baby" the lady asked me as she moved the machine piece around her stomach.

"Yes I am" I replied giving the lady a smile.

"Well Congratulations to you both because you're going yo have a beautiful baby.......................... Girl "

*A/N Check out my new Story Must be Nice (Urban) *

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