Chapter 5: Proposition

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Draco headed back to the bathroom and knocked twice on the door. "Are you decent, Granger?"

He heard her muffled response through the door, "Yes, you can come in."

Draco opened the door to find her in the same spot, only now she was dressed in a light blue shirt and jeans. Her hair was still wet.


Hermione responded with a nod and Draco picked her up in the same way he had the previous two times. She kept her head low, trying again not to concentrate on how comfortable she felt against him. She could smell jasmine, but this time it somehow smelled warmer. Everytime he lifted her, she was pleased to notice that it did not seem to take him much effort to carry her. After days of being in the same space as him, it was only now that she allowed herself to admit that he had become taller and visibly stronger than when she last saw him at school.

He carefully walked her sideways through the doorway and deposited her at the bench along the kitchen counter. Once she was settled, he reached for the worn tea cup at the counter.

In that small moment, as she watched him, the kitchen light revealed a darker patch on his shirt where her wet hair must have soaked into the fabric. Something about that made her feel strange, as if the vulnerable moments in his arms weren't torture enough, there was now a reminder of the event marked on his chest. She also experienced a passing thought that it might bother him. In the past, Draco had expressed that anything touching him like that, from a Muggleborn, would be received with disdain.

"Here, I think this will help."

Hermione was surprised to find a tea cup in his hands but took it from him anyway. She inspected the liquid and then looked up at him, for one last analysis on her trust. She figured that they had come this far, and if he wanted to bring her or the Order down, the Imperius curse was probably the way to go. On the other hand, this was some custom potion he had brewed so she resolved to take caution and daringly took a small sip. She was somewhat shocked that it tasted like cherry and vanilla instead of the foul smell from before. How did he know I liked this flavor? She waited a few seconds but nothing drastic had happened.

"Not bad, Malfoy. Did you just happen to have these flavors?"

Feeling pleased with himself, Draco went back to where his potions were still spread across the counter. He grabbed some small square packets and held them up to show her, "I have a few flavor packets that came with a potions kit."

Hermione was definitely impressed by his assertion but a few? This must be his attempt at sarcasm because there were multiple flavor packets on the counter, so she could not hold back the suspicion on him choosing those exact ones. Why not choose chocolate, or grape, or even as a prank, ear wax? It was all there, a multitude of packets spilling out from a Bertie Bott's Every Flavored Bean brand Potion Palate box that looked as if it were freshly opened.

"Oh, well they happen to be two of my favorite flavors, I thought maybe you got the idea from rummaging through my bag."

"Granger, your Portkeys are safe," he assured her, rolling his eyes, "I couldn't risk you leaving with your injuries. I mean, case-in-point you couldn't even get out of the bathroom... and, I didn't filter through your personal items, I only used accio to get the Portkeys, I promise."

Hermione only looked up at him in disbelief. He can't 'risk' me leaving? I can't simply believe he happened to flavor the potion with my two favorite- Unless- did he notice my hair had that scent from before? Is he really THAT observant? What else has he observed?

Feeling distinctly self-conscious, she began to wish for a change in subject. Thankfully, Draco seemed to feel the same way. "Well, believe me or not, I'm glad you enjoy the flavors. I suppose you're hungry by now. Shall I also cook for you, too?"

Beginning at the End ⏃ DramioneOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant