The Routine

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Sans x Reader
Lemon by nsfwshamecave on Tumblr
It's been 3 months since you fell off Mt. Ebott and into the underground. You were taken in by a friendly pair of skeleton brothers. The younger one, Papayrus, greeted you with open arms and invited you into their home. His cheery disposition was warm and welcoming. The older one, Sans, couldn’t seem to care less. He was pretty chill and quick to wip out a joke or two at any given moment. They were very kind and made you happy, so you never returned to the surface. 

You had a routine. While the brothers were off at work during the day, you stayed home doing small chores here and there. You wanted to help out as much as you could considering they were pretty much letting you live there for free. You cleaned the house, prepared dinner, and did the laundry. Though you never dared to pick up that rancid sock lying on the floor in the living room. Every evening, Sans would return from his shift early and nap on the couch while you prepared dinner. Papyrus would come home and you all would share a meal together. Then you would sit and watch TV till it was time to go to bed. This routine continued for 3 months. It was nice, comfortable…. boring. You felt restless for some reason.  You had an itch for a change but you couldn’t tell what. 

Today was a day like any other day. The boys were at work and you were standing at the kitchen counter, cutting up some veggies for dinner. You heard the front door open and close. It must be Sans. He’s going to head over to the couch and take a nap, like always. 

“Hey, wutcha cook’n?” You jumped a little at the sudden sound of his voice. You turned your head to look over your shoulder. He was leaning on the doorway with a gentle smile and his hands in his pockets. 

“O’oh um, steamed vegetables. Toriel dropped off some fresh veggies for us earlier. She says hi by the way!” You replied, returning the smile. It was odd that Sans was in here talking with you instead of taking one of his signature naps. You weren’t complaining though. You enjoyed his company very much along with the sickening puns that came with it. Sans wasn’t always very social with you at first, but the two of you grew to be pretty good chums. 

He walked a little closer. “Sounds berry delicious. No one can beet your cook’n”. 

You let out a mocking laugh to his puns. You actually thought they were kinda funny, but you weren’t going to let him know that. 

You turned your attention back to the cutting board. You continued to slice the rest of your veggies, but  halted your movements when you felt a weight lean up against you. Sans was leaning his body on your back and propped his head on your shoulder. It wasn’t like Sans to engage in physical contact. Sometime he would lean on you during a movie, but that was about it. You turned your head to look at him with a cocked brow. 

“Sorry, am I squashing you?” You let out a breathy laugh. As strange as this was, it was kinda… comfortable? You decided not to question it. “Nah, you’re good”. you replied before continuing finishing dinner. He remained leaned up against you, hand in his pockets. You both continued to swap food puns until you heard a familiar voice from the living room door way. 


Just before Papyrus entered the kitchen, Sans removed himself from your back, but not before he bumped his pelvis into your rear rather harshly. Your face flushed and you let out the worlds quietest gasp. You felt a heat rise in you. It had to have been an accident. He just… lost his balance and pushed off you too hard… yeah.. yeah that’s what happened. You shook the thought from your mind and placed the food you had prepared on the table. 

As you all sat enjoying dinner and listening to Papyrus ramble on about his day, you looked up at Sans a couple times to see if you could get a read on his face. He was completely normal. He didn’t even return the glance. Yeah, it was an accident, no need to dwell on it. You finished eating and then you all continued your routine like normal. The heat never left. 

Lemon Book(AU Sanses)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ