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Ink!Sans x Reader
Lemon by XxCoolestChic on DeviantArt
You set your canvas on your wooden easel. You were a very good artist, I idolize you myself. 

You were trying to paint something on your canvas, but everywhere you went, you had already painted. You couldn't find anything that inspired. Not even your best friend's, Ink, words would inspire you. He inspired you to draw. You remember exactly when you first painted on a canvas. It was a chibi you and Ink. You had accidentally made you and Ink incredibly adorable and smol.

Ink's words, like I said, inspired you. "Art is you being free from all of the world's heaviness", or "being an artist is the same as being a wizard...only instead of using a wand, you use a pencil for your magic." You were also known to Ink as inspirational too!

You came from the original universe, Undertale. Because of that, you had Sans. The punny ketchup-loving skeleton. ...His puns had rubbed off on you because you are good/best friends with him 

One of your quotes were: "be younique. Haha, get it?" But the best one that Ink treasured was, "Art is the only way to run away without leaving home." You had said that to him when he was feeling down, and you encouraged to paint his feelings, with the colors blue, black, etc.

And right now, you're feelings was... transparent. It was nothing. You were bored out of your mind. You wanted to paint so badly but you couldn't find anything to inspire you.

You looked at the trees. You had already drawn them with their orange, red and brown leaves falling, but now the trees were just branches, empty with no leaves. If there was something carved on the tree, you would definitely draw it. But there was nothing.

You looked at the buildings and people. It was too crowded, and everyone would be pushing you so they could get to where they were going and because it was freezing.

You looked at the snow. You had painted them years back, and you had no intention of painting it again.

It had been months since you created new artwork, and time flies by. It had been from winter to spring-summer already! Yes. You had missed the surface, and you were here now in the surface while every human and monster were just enjoying each other's company.

Ink walked over to you. "Hey (Y/N), what are you painting?" He asks, peering over your shoulder. You sigh. "Nothing, unfortunately. I can't find anYTHING TO INSPIRE ME!" Your voice growing louder through each word. Ink chuckles at your dramatic-ness.

"Aw, come on. I'll take you somewhere later around nine(9) pm. Are you free this night?" Ink asks. You nod. "Yeah, plus, the cafe is closed, it's a Sunday today." You say. You had a job as a waitress at a cafe, "Rilakkuma Kawaii Cafe," and they are closed on Sundays. (Don't judge me for the horRIBLE TITLE *grossly sobs in corner*)

Ink smiles. "I'll walk over to your house tonight and pick you up." You tilt your head. "Where are you taking me though?" You ask. Ink smiles. "You'll see." Ink looks to the sun. He didn't like using watches, so he preferred looking at the sun to tell time. "I best get going. I'll see you soon." Ink waves. You wave bye back, and take your canvas and easel. You sigh and look at your blank canvas. Another day, another nothingness. 


Temmie Flakes, an original breakfast!
Temmie Flakes, so good you can't taste it!
Temmie Flakes, don't forget to digest it...



You heard your phone vibrate. You got a message from Ink.

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