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*warning there is one slightly inappropriate word and one sexual past event, but I don't do descriptive sex scenes 😊 ok on to the story.*

-present at school-

After the little incident during first period the rest of the day wasn't so bad. I mean girls kept glaring at me and whispering to others about me, but all in all not horrible. As I gathered my books from my locker someone snaked their arms around my waist and kissed my temple.

"Hey beautiful," Ryan said.

"Hey handsome."


Ethan's POV

I watched him snake his arms around her waist and kiss her temple, I used to do that!

They continued to coo over each other as if I wasn't even alive.

When I broke up with Alli I expected her to be single and waiting for me, but she decided to fall for the new kid!

"Hiya baby," Emily purred in a voice that makes my skin crawl I hate when she talks to me like that or talks at all.

"Hey Em," I said as I finished getting my stuff from my locker.

"Ready to go?"

"Yeah let's go," I respond flatly and wrapped my arm around her waist as we walked to my car. Once we were both seated she turned to me and said flatly

"You need to stop acting so into Alli! You are with me now and like it or not this is the way it's gonna be forever!"

I nod, "Yeah I know."

"Good. Now take me home.

We drive in silence, Emily stares out the window while I'm lost on thought.

~past summer at a party~

I'm drunk let me just put that our there.

I look around the room and see a girl who looks pretty desperate for some guy attention. 'I know I have a girlfriend but a guy can have a little fun right. I mean it's not like Alli and I will be together forever.'

I swagger over to where she's standing and whisper in her ear

"Dang I like the way you move baby!"

She giggles and smiles "I can show you some more if you'd like."

"Don't tempt me, or I will have to take you right here, right now."

"How about it stud! I'm game for anything baby!" she said with a wink.

"Is that so?" I asked snaking my arms around to grab her ass.

"I'll show you a good time on one condition."

At this point I wasn't listening I was busy checking out what I had to use.
I hummed a response. She must've assumed I heard what she said.

"You break up with this so called girlfriend for me, because one I don't see her here, and if this so called girlfriend was so perfect you wouldn't be asking for me so you must be bored. And two I'm so much better than any girl.

I could've just agreed to cutting off my right foot, but if she was gonna give it up I didn't care!

"Let's do this," I pushed her up against the wall and kissed her roughly. She tangled her fingers in my hair, I lifted her legs around my waist.


And so began the night that would ruin everything for me and my relationship with Alli the girl I loved and still love. When I woke up next to the girl, I realized who she was: Emily Alli's best friend. When I woke up she was looking down at me with a smug smirk on her mouth. She pointed out that Alli and I weren't going to get married and ride off into the sunset. She said why not be with a girl who will let you do whatever you want to her. I agreed realizing she was right, odds are Alli and I would break up before college- what's the point?

Now I'm suffering so Alli can be happy.


Whilst re-reading my past parts I discovered I promised a chapter with Ethan's POV so here it is!!!!

Thank you all soo much for reading my story it really means a lot to me.

So team Ethan or team Ryan?

Bye thanks again


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