Chapter 14: wolfsbane

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I woke up in a dark room with Jacob standing in front of me. I had my hands tied behind my back with rope. I was tied to a pole.

The room looked like a basement. but I had no idea where I was. suddenly five more alphas appeared behind Jacob.

"Do you like my alpha pack" Jacob said with a big evil smile on his face. "this is Alisha she is my mate and she can make you pass out with her long sharp poisonous nails". Jacob pointed to a girl with long black hair. he then continued "this is Courtney and she is Adams mate and she can make people feel so much pain that they die" he pointed to the girl with short red hair. and then Jacob pointed to Adam and said "you have already met Adam". Adam then gave me an evil smile. "and the last two are Beau and Anthony there mates died". Anthony had blonde hair and Beau had brown hair. "beau can can run faster that the average werewolf and Anthony is stronger than the average wolf" Jacob continued "do you want to see my power". I rolled my eyes and sighed. "sure" I said.

At that moment Jacob held his hands out. black smoke came out of them and started drifting towards me. When the black smoke got close to me it went around me and I felt like I was suffocating. "Ahhhh" I screamed.

The smoke then went away from me. I then heard Isaac talking to me through our thoughts. "were are you" he said in a stressful voice. "I don't know please help me. there's this guy called Jacob" Isaac cut me off, "what Jacobs got you" he said stressfully. "yeah do you know him" I said confused. "he's my brother" Isaac continued "I am com..." Isaac got cut off from Jacob stabbing me in the neck and injecting something into my veins. it hurt like hell.

"What the hell was that" I screamed at Jacob. Jacob smiled and said "that was wolfsbane it poisons you for a bit and makes wolves weak". he then leaned down to my stomach. and said "what is this a heart beat from your stomach". I looked confused and then realised what he was talking about. omg I'm pregnant.

"I'm pregnant" I said to Jacob. "yes and to bad big bad daddy wolf won't be able to hear the good news" Jacob continued "kill her Alisha".



I just got cut off from Rachel. I think Jacob must have injected her with something. maybe wolfsbane but it's really rare. I'm starting to freak out.

I know Jacobs only getting revenge on me for what I did to his last mate Tara. but what was I suppose to do she was going crazy and tried to kill me.

I walk into the woods to try and get my mates sent. but nothing I can ever get a whiff. I then see a spotted owl in the tree above me. it looks at me in a strange was. it flys away and I decide to follow it.

After five minutes if following the owl. The owl sudden stops flying and lands in a tree. I look down at my feel and notice that I am standing on a silver door.

I open the door and there are stairs leading down into the ground. I decide to walk down them.


Hey guys sorry this chapters so sort😦

But I will make another one longer 😉

Hope you liked it.

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