Chapter Five - I Was On The Loo For Three Days Straight

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Chapter Five – I Was On The Loo For Three Days Straight

When Elijah had told me we were going to this Dora’s, I didn’t know what to expect to be honest. I knew Dora was a female. And Noah wanted me to be there. And that was it. I wasn’t going to ask Elijah, I would end up looking like a twit for not knowing who Dora was. Elijah was nice and all that, but I knew from experience that if I asked him too many questions he would spend forever explaining things to me for the sake of it. So I stayed quiet.

The fact that I was roaming the streets with a ginger man who I had just met at night was a little unsettling, but I let it slide. Apparently all these people did their work at night.

“Now dear, don’t be scared when we get to Dora’s. She is a harmless friend of ours. She might try to touch you inappropriately, but she doesn’t mean it really.” Elijah warned me, marching on down the street happily. He didn’t own a car, and instead walked everywhere. He had spent around seven minutes at the start of our venture ranting about how much damage cars did to our environment.

Admittedly, I wasn’t expecting Elijah to have normal enough friends, but when he mentioned inappropriate touching I was thrown off a little. “Oh, have you known Dora long?” I chimed, hoping that asking Elijah some subtle questions might help me figure out who Dora was.

“Just since I graduated from college. So around two years. I’m older than Noah, in case you didn’t figure it out. I’ve known him for four years I think it is? I met him in a toilet, it was quite spectacular. This old man had a heart attack, and Noah was there for obvious reasons. We then had a debate over the colour my mascara, it was blue or purple.” Sighed Elijah. I smiled as he reminisced, deciding not to question why he was wearing mascara. In fact, I had decided quite a while ago that I wasn’t going to question anything to do with Elijah. I was beginning to quite like Elijah, with his open mind and optimistic attitude. He was a breath of fresh air after Noah’s biting sarcasm and cynical disposition. It seemed odd that they were best friends though as they were so different.

Charlie and I shared the same outlook on life, and the same view on many topics. We also shared the same interests and sense of humour. Maybe Noah and Elijah balanced each other out?

“What did you graduate with?” I asked Elijah, and he immediately got a dreamy, distant look in his eyes.

He happily sighed again, “Herbal sciences. I am a medicinal herbalist. I bloody love my job.” Of course, the ginger man who wears mascara and doesn’t believe in cars is an expert when it comes to leafy things that smell weird. I have to introduce him to my mom.

I can see them both now. Sitting on the rugs in my living room with turbans, drinking suspicious tea while barefoot and gossiping about my lack of love life with some organic homemade oatmeal cookies on the side.

“And here we are! Welcome to Dora’s lovely wee corner, dear!” Elijah stopped abruptly, gazing at a plain looking shop in wonder. From the outside, it didn’t look to be anything special; the exterior of the building was a deep mauve. The front of the shop was mostly windows, with weird displays made up off mannequins in togas and dusty bottles. The front door was a gaudy orange, and a sign on the door happily read, “Dora’s”. If I was to be completely honest, the appearance of the shop would put me off more than anything.

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