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"As a heads up, this one has Lancelot in it." Merlin called out, he knew it probably wasn't a big deal but the death of their friend was still fairly recent and he didn't want to re-open old wounds by showing their fallen friend, when no one objected Merlin nodded to himself and his eyes flashed gold once more showing his friends his past.

Merlin was in the forest, he was searching for mushrooms. He bent down to collect some when a screeching echoed through the woods, he turned around to face a Griffin.

"Well don't stand around and look at it." Gwaine muttered, gesturing exasperatedly to 'Past-Merlin' "Run!"

He started to run but fell over, he braced himself for a mortal blow when a stranger comes out and attacks the Griffin breaking their sword into two in the process, Lancelot grabbed Merlin and helped him up "Run! Run!"

Everyone's faces fell slightly at the sight of their fallen friend, Arthur looked away uncomfortably he had nothing against Lancelot and would be one of the first to say he was one of the best Knight's he knew but seeing Lancelot just reminded him of everything with Gwen.

Merlin looked intensely at 'Past-Lancelot' trying to ignore the feeling of guilt he felt about his friends death, Gaius knew Merlin blamed himself as he thought that if Lancelot hadn't found out about his magic he wouldn't feel so obliged to help Merlin and wouldn't have sacrificed himself for the young warlock.

Lancelot grabbed Merlin and pulled him down behind a fallen tree, Lancelot held his wounded side and grinned at Merlin.

Merlin returned the grin, "It's gone. You saved my life, I'm Merlin."

"Lancelot." Theyn shook hands, but a couple of seconds after they shook hands Lancelot passed out.

"So that's how you met Lancelot." Percival smiled, "He never really told me the full story of what happened when he was at Camelot, he told me plenty about you though Merlin.

The scene changed to Lancelot lying unconscious on a bed in the Physician's chambers, Merlin watched Gaius treat Lancelot.

"The wound itself is superficial. The fever will pass. He should be fine in the morning." Gaius told Merlin, Merlin let out a small sigh of relief.

Uthur and Arthur were on horseback looking at a burning village, they had ridden to the outskirts of Camelot because of rumors of a magical beast.

"What creature could have done this?" Uthur questioned, clearly shocked.

"I suppose it was whatever attacked you Merlin?" Elyan turned to Merlin, who nodded.

Arthur shook his head " We found no tracks in or out. What the villagers say must be true: it has wings and.." he trailed off, sounding reluctant to continue.

"What?" Uthur pressed.

"And it took no livestock, only people. Whatever it is, it has a taste for human flesh." Arthur replied tonelessly.

"It was horrible." Arthur shuddered, "Seeing how scared the remaining villagers were, knowing I couldn't do anything to help." Gwen comforted Arthur.

Uthur looked disgusted, "Post sentries in all the outlying villages. Put the lookouts on full alert. If this thing should make for Camelot, we must be ready."

"Because let's not defend the outlying villages..." Gwaine muttered sarcastically.

Arthur nodded at his Father and they both rode off.

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