Chapter 3

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Chewbacca wailed, they were here. "Get behind me" Get behind me now!" Andrew and Chewbacca ran behind Han and I. We both had our blasters out, the storm troopers had blasted a hole in the door. They weren't very good at actually getting through the doorway. "What are you doing?" Han yelled at me "get behind me" I shot a trooper "what and let you have all the fun?" Han muttered something about stubbornness as we backed away to where Luke and a girl dressed in white were standing.

"Can't get out that way" Han informed the other two "looks like you managed to cut off our only escape route" the girl, who I took to be the princess, said to Han. "That's what I told him, but it was too late" I shouted over the sounds of the blasters. "Maybe you'd like it back in your cell, your highness" Han turned and looked down at her "and you" he looked at me "don't encourage her" I just rolled my eyes and dodged the next blaster.

We retreated further down the cell corridor, "there has to be another way out" I grunted, aiming around the wall at the troopers. "C-3PO" Luke shouted into the communicator "C-3PO, are there any other ways out of the cell bay, we've been cut off" I looked over at Luke from where I crouched behind Han. The sound of the blasters were so loud that Luke couldn't hear C-3PO's reply. "I said, all systems have been alerted to your presence sir, the main entrance seems to be the only way in or out, all other access on your level is restricted."

Luke swore and put the communicator away, I looked behind me, there was a vent and it was large enough to fit Chewbacca down. "The vent" I yelled, only Leia heard me "behind me" I jerked my head and she looked down at the vent which was next to where I was crouching. "If you take it out I'll cover you!" I called over to her, she nodded understanding what I wanted her to do. 

Leia took Luke's blaster and shot the vent "what are you doing" Han shouted at her "girl power!" she shouted back "now! Into the garbage fly boy" Leia ducked and slid into the vent. "Girl power?" Han looked down at me, glaring. I just grinned and followed Leia.

"Ugh, it smells." I complained as Leia helped me up. "I'm Cady by the way" I introduced myself to Leia. "This is Andrew" I gestured to the boy who had just slid down the garbage shoot. "I'm Leia" I smiled as the girl introduced herself to Andrew, he took the blaster out of my hand as Chewbacca came down the shoot. Andrew shot at the door, but the blaster ricocheted around the metal box and we all ducked to avoid it. "Fantastic" I muttered, grabbing my blaster back from Andrew. 

"The wookie is Chewbacca and this is Luke" I said to Leia as Luke joined us, "the fly boy is Han." As I said this Luke shot at the door "no!" Leia, Andrew and I yelled at Luke as we ducked to avoid the blaster "sorry" Luke said sheepishly. "Just so long as Han doesn't do it" I grinned, helping Leia stand since she fell over avoiding the blaster. But alas Han also shot the door, earning himself glares from everyone in the room. "Wow, the garbage shoot was a great idea, what an incredible smell you've discovered" sarcasm was dripping from every word Han spoke and he was glaring at Leia and I. 

"Look I had everything under control until you two lead us down here" Han snapped, angrily. "It could be worse" Leia pointed out, I just looked around the room we were in "I thought it was an air vent" Han groaned and I looked at him sheepishly "sorry" I mumbled, the glare on Han's face softened slightly "never mind that now, let's just figure a way to get out of here"

A low growling sounded from somewhere in the room, Han looked at Leia "it's worse". Luke's voice sound worried and nervous when he spoke "there's something alive in here" "It's your imagination" said Han, but Leia and I shook our heads "I agree with Luke" Andrew said, Leia and I nodded in agreement. "Something just moved past my leg" Luke started to sound more worried "oh lord, we're all going to die" my voice was feint and scared "calm down, we're going to be fine" Andrew placed a calming hand on my shoulder, I looked up at him, great full that he was here. I always felt calm when he was around, ever since we were little kids Andrew was always there for me.

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