the hunt

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It was a warm night, the moonlight played with the lake water as a small female stood by the water's edge. Her feet were bare and she wore a silk dress that reached just to her knees. Her hair was snow white and curly, thrown into a high pony tail, the curls cascaded down her back. Hearing her little brother call out to her, she turned and saw her little brother and older brother standing together. Slowly, the female held her arms out as she sunk down.

"Oh, what is it Aiden?" she asked as the small boy ran and jumped into her arms, his eyes beginning to water.

"I had a bad dream," he cried.

She sighed. "It's ok, I won't let any harm come to you," she said softly while rubbing his back as she walked towards their home.

"Rain?" he asked softly as he rested his head against her shoulder.

"Hum?" she asked, stopping by her older brother. His eyes darkened as she touched his arm. "Let's go Dagger, we can't stay out too long, they are out tonight," she said softly.

The tall man, with his white hair falling into his eyes growled, "I won't let them near us."

Rain sighed, "I know." She walked inside and listened as Dagger closed the door.

She set Aiden down. "Let's get you some milk and honey." She smiled as she spoke and he nodded.

Just short of four years old, he was tall for his age. She smiled and walked into their kitchen pouring some milk into a pot and warming it before she added honey. Aiden sat at the table waiting as she poured it into his cup and placed it on the table. She sat down and looked up at Dagger. "Are our bags packed?" she asked meeting his dark stare.

"Yes, but Rain if they catch onto what we are doing you know his son will be pissed," he said softly.

"I know we are doing what is best for our family and best for you, but remember what happened with Niko's daughter?" He took a moment to sigh.

Rain looked down and shivered at the memory of Niko's daughter, Milia. She was a kind person, always smiling... until one of them wanted her, spoke to her father and warned him she would be claimed, they ran and Niko came home a few weeks later. Beaten and bloodied and Milia was gone.

"And he was not the leader's son! Damn it Rain, you know what the leader's son is capable of!"

Hearing Dagger grunt to himself, Rain took a moment to look at Aiden.

"So am I to just give in? Let them take me?" she asked, close to tears, watching Aiden curl into himself. "Aiden won't like it there and you know he can't let go of me," she said turning back towards Dagger. "Come what will, but I will try to keep my freedom," she said defiantly. She could see the fear in Dagger's eyes.

Slowly, she walked to him and wrapped her arms around him. "If I do get caught, I will miss you but you keep running and don't let them see you," she said before feeling him nod as he wrapped his arms around her. She rested her head against his chest.

"You know father would be proud," he said softly, before pulling away.

"Go take Aiden and rest, we leave first thing in the morning."

Rain sighed, Dagger's tone was authoritative and cold. She turned, shaking her head, as she picked up Aiden and his cup before walking down the hall to her room. Her walls were filled with memories she could not take with her. Laying on the fur pelt that counted as a bed, she rested next to Aiden, who was tired and terrified. His eyes slowly closed.

"Rain ..... " he started but it was just a mumble and by the time she looked at him his breathing had evened out as he slowly fell into a light sleep. She turned onto her back and looked up at the ceiling as she tried to fall asleep. She could feel the even breathing slow down as her little brother fell into a deeper sleep. She could hear her older brother pacing through the house. Sighing, she stood up slowly making sure to be quiet, then carefully tiptoed towards her window and sat on the window sill watching the tree line.

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