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Rain felt warmth surround her, and a rocking motion that was almost like a mother rocking her new born child. Slowly opening her eyes, she saw a massive bare chest, only then did she remember. They had walked for hours, then she must have fallen asleep. Growling loudly, she tried to struggle out of his grasp, but he only growled back and held her tighter.

"Damn it, Rain," he grunted, letting her slid to her feet. Once she was able to support herself he looked down at her as he tilted her face up so she would look at him.

"I know your scared, but damn it, Rain, it's time to grow up and be a woman," he stated calmly as his men bustled around them setting up camp.

Growling lowly, she smacked his hand away from her face. "Fuck off, Grey," she snapped, her insides going cold at the smile that slowly crossed his face.

Slowly she looked around. The sun had long set, the moon's light streamed through the tops of the trees, which only added to the dark feeling that surrounded her as she looked up at him.

"Grey....why me?" she asked.

He watched her, smirking as he stated, "I liked the way you smelled... my wolf, he reacts when he smells you..... He needs to claim you."

His voice grew husky as his eyes darkened. Rain backed up on instinct but as she did his arm shot out, and his fingers wrapped around her arm, pulling her flush against his body. Only then did she notice he had no pants. Her heart kicked into high gear as her body wiggled and thrashed, trying to get away. He laughed and held her close, turning her around so that she faced a big black and blue tent.

"Rain, I only have one more night."

She could hear the smile in his voice. "Grey, please, I don't want a mate," she whined, feeling him stiffen behind her.

"Awe that's cute. You think you get to choose," he growled, pushing her forward towards the tent.

She grasped and stumbled into the tent. Turning to face him, her blue eyes narrowed.

"Asshole! How dare you push me," she growled, standing tall with her arms at her sides and her fists clenched tightly as she shook. She felt tears start to well up in her eyes.

"Please, Grey," she said softly, "please don't make me mate you... can't you find someone from your kin?" she asked.

Grey smirked, walking into the tent.

"Rain, I chose you years ago... when my father took over your pack," he growled. "You know that."

She whined, "Grey, please, I don't want to. I never wanted to mate, you know that!"

She watched his face as he looked at her, his smile dropping. Grey felt his eyes narrow.

"Rain, I told you, you will be my mate. It's time to grow up. I have had enough of this childish crying of yours, now lay the fuck down and sleep," he growled, louder then he intended.

Flinching, Rain new better then to press the matter, her mind started to race as she numbly sat down and curled into a corner. Run. I need to run, her mind screamed. No wait till he sleeps, stupid, he can catch you if you run now, her rational mind growled back. She watched him lower himself onto the flimsy mat on the cold ground. She knew their kind where raised like Spartans that might be why the males are so brutal , rough , strong, and dominate, too bad she hated all men.

Rain stayed in her corner and averted her eyes as his dark green eyes ranked over her.

"Don't even try it ... I have men on guard all the time. So even if I am asleep at least one of them is wide awake."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2017 ⏰

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