Chapter 3

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Alec's POV
"Really Jace?" I couldn't help but yell. "I really love you but you really had to almost get me KILLED?"

"Why are you yelling at me? I'm the one who practically saved your sorry ass!" Jace was non to fond of me yelling at him. Just great here comes Bella.

"What the hell are you arguing about now? Ladies, ladies your both pretty can I go home now?" She gets on my nerves when she says sarcastic crap like that. Jace trys to leave.

"Oh so pretty boy wants to leave! What, are you gonna go fuck Clary? That what you always do after almost getting me killed!" I yell.

"Alec!" This is from Bella.

"How about you just go fuck Magnus, OK?" Jace screams. As he walks away.

"Jace! Alec you need to apologize!" Bella said to me.

"Jace, come here!" Bella just a glares at me. "I'm sorry, OK I said sorry, bye!"

"Doesn't seem like it." Bella remarks.

"Seriously, Alec?" Jace says this as I turn to face him.

"What?" I say annoyed. Sometimes I'd wish they would just not be so irritating. Its like they want to make me leave.

"Are you seriously trying to go thorough this fast so you can be back with Magnus?" Jace asks me, but I can tell he is hurt and is trying not to show it.

"Maybe he is turning you into someone who doesn't care about his family." That drove a knife through my heart. How could Bella say such a thing? The only thing I could think to do was yell at them.

Maybe they we a little right. "Fine, Jace I'm so sorry for treating you like crap, and Bella," I said. "Just so you know Magnus is now a part of the family too!" She told me that they missed me and my reply was, Why? Then they told me that I spent to much time with him, then Jace said the most stupidest thing he has ever said.

"I realized that I have taken it too far, I accept your apology Parabatai." My jaw dropped, I don't think it meant to come out as heartless as it did. I had almost lost my life because I tried tracking him through the Parabatai bond. Bella seemed to not really enjoy the conversation, so she started to work on paperwork.

"Guys, has anyone seen Clary? I have a strange feeling." He didn't answer me so I asked again, "Jace, where is Clary?" For some odd reason I couldn't get her off my mind.

"Dude I don't know!" Jace says with a stubid look on his face, oh wait that's his normal look.

"She went on a mission, why would you care, you hate her." Bella remarks, not looking up from her work.

"When is she supposed to get back?" When I said this and Bella told me tomorrow. I don't know why but my mind was not thinking about anyone besides Clary. That scared the daylights out of me and I don't even know why, I thought.

"Alec, are you cheating with Clary?" Jace asked as he looked like he was gonna punch me but I already felt light headed.

"I need a drink! And not an alcoholic on..." Then everything went black.
This is my first fanfic so please be nice! Also take into account that this is all based straight off of a Roleplay. I have worked really hard, please enjoy!

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