Chapter 5 Mr. Evans

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Chapter 5

Mr. Evans

    “Class, this is Mr. Evans,” Principal Whiteman announced. “He will be taking over until Mrs. Norbert returns.”

    At the same time, both Aria and Vanessa breathed a sigh of relief. Aria looked over across the room and noticed Derek had a similar reaction. As Mr. Evans entered the classroom the first thing Aria, along with every other girl in the room, noticed was how incredibly good looking this man appeared. With his brunette wavy hair that came down to his shoulders, his well-trimmed goatee, and his tall muscular figure this man seemed to be the very definition of tall, dark and handsome. As Aria noticed how girls in her class reacted with their eyes gazing at this new teacher, she grew uncomfortable. She recalled this being the exact same effect Edmund had on the girls when he first came to Sheerwood.

      “Hello, ladies,” Mr. Evans smiled revealing his sparkling teeth. Some of the girls looked as though they may faint. “And gentleman,” he added as an afterthought. “How are you doing today?”

    The class murmured a brief ‘fine’ as the girls continued to gawk at Mr. Evans in admiration. Aria shifted in her seat with discomfort while looking over to Vanessa who appeared apprehensive as well. Though she felt unsure whether or not Mr. Evans was actually from Galatia, Aria could at least be certain that he was not from Nebraska. He spoke with an accent Aria guessed to be some sort of European. Mr. Evans did affirm that he was from out of town in his introduction, but he did not specify where, just like Myrtle when she was here.

    At the end of homeroom, Mr. Evans ended with, “Well class, I’m sorry our time has been cut short, but I do look forward to getting to know all you fine young ladies… and gentlemen throughout the day in my English class.”

    Aria walked out pondering over this mysterious man. She recalled when Edmund first came to Sheerwood, he paid no attention to anyone except for her. Myrtle was the same way when she came disguised as Ms. Malone. She, too, took special interest in Aria but none of the other students. Mr. Evans, on the other hand, did not signal Aria out from her classmates. This made her feel slightly better about him. Perhaps Mr. Evans was simply a foreigner, an incredibly handsome one, who decided to come to Nebraska and be a teacher. Still, she planned to observe him carefully during English.

     On the way to her fifth period Biology class, Aria met up with Vanessa in the hallway to they could discuss this new substitute.

    After Aria finished explaining her concerns she ended with, “Well, if this man was someone from you-know-where, he’d focus most of his interest on me, don’t you think?”

    “Yeah, he seemed interested in all the girls in the class,” Vanessa pointed out with a shiver. “He kind of gave me the creeps.”

    “Maybe he was just being friendly,” Aria suggested feeling less worried after talking aloud about Mr. Evans. “He’s obviously foreign and the girls in our grade go crazy over a cute guy that shows up in the school, even if it is a teacher.”

    “Hey Cooper!”

    The two turned to see Ian passing them in the hallway.

    “Oh, hi Ian,” Vanessa replied with a smile.

    “So are you ready for the Biology test?” Ian asked.

    Vanessa’s face went white. “What? I thought that was tomorrow!”

    “It is tomorrow,” Aria confirmed as both Vanessa and Ian let out a sigh of relief. “I remember Mrs. Stevens saying Wednesday.”

    “That’s a relief,” Ian commented returning his glance to Vanessa. “So maybe since we have the extra time, do you want to meet in the library again after school and study? It helps having someone to study with and both Derek and Kendal are busy.”

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