Chapter 9 Retest

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Chapter 9


    “I still can’t believe you still have not told your parents about Myrtle,” Vanessa stated flatly as she and Aria walked to school that Thursday morning.

    “It would only worry them,” Aria replied quietly. “Besides, it’s been almost a week and Myrtle still hasn’t done anything.”

    “I still think your mom and dad have the right to know that the person responsible for nearly killing their daughter is back.”

    “If I did that then they would probably keep me home from school.”

    Vanessa shrugged. “All the more reason to tell them. Its an excuse not to go to school.”

    “I can’t just stop going to school,” Aria said, starting to sound exasperated.

    “Why not?” Vanessa replied casually. “Unless there’s a class that teaches us how to rule a fairy tale kingdom, you really don’t need high school.”

    Aria had never considered this. Most people complain that in high school they only learn about stuff they will never need. In her case that was actually true. In order to rule Galatia, she didn’t have to pass geometry.

    “So you’re really not going to tell your parents?” Vanessa asked again looking at her friend with concern.

    Aria sighed. “Not yet. I’m going to see what I can find out in Galatia this weekend about possible reasons why Myrtle might have come here. For some reason and I don’t know why, I feel like she might have some sort of connection with Evalius. I just wish Adora would tell me more about that place.”

    Vanessa nodded in agreement. Aria had already told her everything she knew about Evalius over the phone the night before, but unfortunately that was not much.

    “So did you get a dress for Homecoming yet?” Aria asked desiring a change in subject.

    Vanessa shook her head. “No, I was hoping you would come with me to the mall after school to help me find one.”

    “I can’t believe you still don’t have a dress, Vanessa,” Aria said, amused. “The dance is in two days.”

    Vanessa sighed. “I know, I know. I just haven’t had a chance to go shopping, not to mention I just asked my date out on Monday. So will you come with me?”

    “I can’t,” Aria replied apologetically. “I have to retake my biology test today. Since I’m leaving for Galatia right after school tomorrow, this is my last chance.”

    “Looks like I’m not the only one that waits till the last minute,” Vanessa jested with a grin.

    “Hey, it’s not my fault Mr. Spooner has kept me every day after school to work on my solo,” Aria defended though she smiled.

    The girls walked up to the entrance of Sheerwood High. Everyone acted normally. Only Aria, Vanessa, and Derek were aware that an evil and possibly harmful fairy walked among the building.

    “So you are at least planning on telling the other fairies about Myrtle, right Aria?” Vanessa asked quietly, as they entered the building.

    “You’re not going to let this go until I tell someone, are you?” Aria responded with exasperation.

    Vanessa shook her head and then fixated her eyes directly at Aria, “Of course I’m not going to let it go. She did try to kill you, remember? What friend wouldn’t be concerned? Just promise me you will talk to someone while you’re there, maybe Adora.”

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