Chapter 15 The Switch

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Chapter 15

The Switch

    By the end of the week, Aria had gotten into the habit of leaving for school ten minutes earlier than normal. The two girls never officially declared their friendship nullified, but with the way Vanessa has been acting this whole week, Aria could not stand to be around her. Vanessa, too busy strutting around the school showing off her new boyfriend, did not seem to care that their friendship was now laying upon dangerous grounds. Aria tried to force apathetic feelings as well but found this unsuccessful. She reflected over the last time she felt this torn up over losing a friend, when she lost Kendal. It seemed unreal that this was happening again. Apparently, Galatia was not the only place where history repeats itself.

    The only thing worse than thinking about Vanessa for Aria was thinking of Derek. This entire week, every time she would try to talk to him he would blow her off.  In Aria’s mind, the silent treatment was the worst possible punishment Derek could give her. Aria felt as though maggots lived within her chest, slowly and painfully eating up her heart.

    Trying to push thoughts of Vanessa and Derek to the back of her mind, Aria reminded herself of her mission. She stopped for a moment on her walk to check and make sure she remembered to pack Myrtle’s wand. Today, Aria planned on confronting either Edmund or Myrtle and getting one of them to reveal exactly who this ruler of Evalius is and what happens to girls once they get chosen. If necessary, she would use magical force to extract this information. A fragment of Aria’s mind felt grateful that she had something this significant to focus on. Otherwise, she would be even more of a wreck over her problems with Vanessa and Derek.

    The moment Aria arrived at Sheerwood, she immediately began searching for Edmund. It felt strange seeing the school hall this empty. Aria was not use to coming to school this early.

      Spotting Kendal alone by grabbing books from within her locker, Aria approached her. “Hey Kendal. Do you know where Edmund is?”

      Kendal sighed slightly exasperated asking, “Why do you need to talk to Edmund, Aria?”

      “I just wanted to ask him something about English,” Aria answered innocently. “He’s really good at poetry and I need help with our assignment.”

      Kendal stared at her, unconvinced. “We don’t have any poems due for English. I think today we are supposed to watch Twilight. Anyway, Edmund is out of town.”

      “On a school day?”

      Kendal turned her gaze back to her locker as she continued to rearrange textbooks. “Yeah, he said he had some kind of family emergency. His dad called the school this morning. He should be back Monday.”

      Aria nodded muttering ‘see you later’ as she threw her backpack over her shoulder and made her way to the English classroom. Peering through the rectangular glass window on the door, Aria observed Myrtle sitting alone at the teacher’s desk, apparently grading papers. Aria entered, locking the door behind and pulling down the shade over the window.

      Myrtle looked up and offered her a small grin. “I taken there is something you wish to speak with me about alone?”

      Aria approached her desk and stated firmly, “I need you to tell me everything you know about the king of Evalius. I know Edmund is working for him.”

      Continuing to gaze directly at Aria, Myrtle set down the pen she used for grading. “How can you be sure I’m not working with him as well or maybe they are both working for me?”

      “Edmund said this time he was working for someone who could actually win,” Aria muttered and leaned against the top of one of the front student desk.

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