Chapter 1

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Run. That's all I can do. Faster. I can't believe he would do this to me. He said he'd never hurt me. He said he loved me. I keep running til I reach the ocean.

 I stop and stare at the waves as they crash against the rocks. My phone keeps buzzing. I know it's him, but I refuse to speak with him. I can't bare to talk to him. Not now. Not ever again. 11 months. 11 months of my life that I gave to him and he just tossed it away like it was nothing.

I shut off my phone and begin to run home. I'm not too fond of being out past dark, but I couldn't stand to be near him. I start running as fast as my little legs will carry me. 

By the time I get back home it's 2 in the morning. I open the door and walk to the kitchen to get a water bottle. I smell gross, but I am too tired to shower. I go up to my room and flop onto my bed. I finally decide to look at my phone. 

He left me 10 voice mails and 40 texts. I delete his calls and texts. I don't want to hear the excuses he has. I block his number as well because there is no point in talking to him. I just wish I was good enough..

But my princess you are. You are perfect to me.

"Who's there!? Come out and show yourself!" I shout. Nothing comes. Maybe I'm just hearing things. I shut off my phone and put it on the charger. Tomorrow I'll deal with everything, but for now I need to rest.  

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