Chapter 4

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RTV went by so quick. At least I had a good set list this time. A few people called in for requests which, in my opinion, is pretty rad considering we play stuff from 60's to now. I work at the old library because I love the smell of books and it's quiet and peaceful. Some students come in and get books for research projects or for fun. Then you have the morons who think we have porn in the back. No. This is a library not exotica. Work goes by fast. Not many people came in. I have half an hour left before I have to close up. I'm just ready to sleep.

"Hey there princess. Would you mind helping me find a particular book?"

I shiver at the sound of his voice. It is so deep and smooth. Like melted chocolate. I turn around to look at him and he looks more handsome than ever. His hair is put up in a miniature mohawk

"Yeah sure. What are you looking for and I'll see if we have it?"

"I am looking for a book on physics. Any will do. I have to do a 10 page essay on Terminal Velocity for Professor Brown since I just transferred and the credits from my last class didn't transfer over. He said this would catch me up to speed."

"Alright well follow me and I'll show you to our science section."

We begin to walk down the long hall. The science section is in the very back of the library at the bottom of the stairs. A lot of people like to go make out down there and try to have sex, but usually someone, AKA me, stops them before they could do anything. It's too dim to read down here so I am usually never down here. As we are about to turn the corner Alexander pushes me against the wall.

"Alex-Alexander! What are you doing?!"

My heart is racing. What is he doing? Is something wrong with him? Oh god! Is he gonna hurt me.

"Princess calm down. Someone else is down here. I'm not gonna hurt you."

Suddenly I hear it. Someone is coming. Alexander shields me from whomever is coming. I catch a small glimpse of the person and I couldn't stop a small gasp from escaping my lips. It was him. Wade was here and he was with HER. Tears began to well up in my eyes. It hurts to see him so much.

"Hey baby, why are we leaving? I wanted to show you all the things I could do to you." the tramp said. To think she was my friend. I trusted her. "We are leaving because I want to see my ex. I want to tell her the truth. I want to tell her that I wasn't happy with her anymore. She should be closing up right about now." he voice is poison in my ears. They walk past us and Wade glances at us. Alexander is blocking me so Wade can't see me, but I can see them. Tears start falling from my eyes and my chest starts to hurt, They go up the stairs and disappear from our line of sight. Alexander moves away from me slightly and lifts my head to face him. He wipes away my fallen tears and pulls me into a hug. I slightly hug back but then pull away.

"Come on. The science books are this way." I managed to choke out.

We walk a little further and he walks ahead to look at the books. He grabs 5 different books, all on physics, and turns to me.

"Alright princess. These are all I need. Let's go check them out."

His voice soothes me. He leads the way up the stairs. I think it's kind of to see if Wade and Riona were still there. They are nowhere to be seen, good, so I check Alexander's books out and walk him out. I lock the doors behind me and start walking home. I'm so glad I don't live too far away.

"Princess? Where are you going?"

"I'm going home. I have to change and then I am meeting up with Rose at Tin Man. It's fine. I don't live too far."

"No. You are not walking. I will drive you to your home and then to Tin Man. I don't want anything bad happening to you. There are bad people who could hurt you princess and I will not allow that. If I have to carry you to my car and put child lock on the doors I will."

He moves towards me and stares me down. I let out a sigh and give in. He's too big for me to take and plus he's right. There are bad people out there who could hurt me. One already did. I follow him to his car and he opens the door like a gentleman. He hops in and throws the books in the back as gently as he can. I tell him my address as we pull away from the lot.

You will never be hurt again my princess.  

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