Chapter 5

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Its been a week since the incident.

Every night I have nightmares and It usually ends up with me screaming and making mom run into my room.

But I also haven't talked to Cameron. I feel bad , I wish I had the balls to get to know him.

But I am a girl so I don't need balls... more like boobs.

He stares at me alot whenever we're at dinner or something.

Should I say thank you? or maybe ask him why he rescued me?

He was so caring it shocked me , why? you might ask. Well because no one has ever risked their life for me not even Connor but he's the past...

That day, mom had to run in for work. I had to stay home with pyper only since payge was at camp.

My dad had called from England to check on me and make sure I was stable, I miss him a whole bunch ever since the incident. I don't know what they would have done if I had died.

He moved a couple of years ago after him and my mom divorced, I went there for spring break It was fun, but I like it here in L.A much better.

I finally decided to make some lunch for pyper and I.

I made macaroni,  I was so busy cooking I didn't notice Cameron coming down the stairs.

"Good morning Haily" he startled me and I dropped the wooden spoon. Shit.

I looked up to him and smiled.

oh god I'm wearing shorts and a t-shirt with a messy bun... I look embarrassing. .....

"hey Cameron" I reply while bending down to grab the spoon.

"What you cooking there?" he askes as he grabs his keys from the counter.

"ohh umm macaroni" I respond shyly. Why am I blushing..... stop.

"haha oh cool I'm going out to the gym I will be back later" he says to me.

I had noticed he was wearing jeans and a muscle shirt. He waved Goodbye and kissed pyper . Kiss me...okay wait no.

"Fuck me and my fucking shyness like oh my god hes PERFECT "

I looked at pyper looking out the window smiling and giggling.

I walked over to see what she was all cheery about.

She was looking at Cameron's car leave.

"you like him too huh" I chuckled.


Mom was back from work, By the time Cameron came home. He was very sweaty looking but it was still cute.

"hey guys" Cameron said as he closed the front door .

"Hey dinner in half and hour" mom shouted out from the kitchen. I looked up from my phone.

he nodded, looked at me and winked and then He walked up to his room .

I turned red ,I know I did because mom gave me a dirty look.


I went up to my room and turned on my mac book. I listened to the shower run from Cameron's room.

I was thinking about him.But after I felt weird So I cleaned out my room something I find strange since I never do it.

After a while my mom knocked on my door and welcomed herself in.

"Honey I will be right back I'm going to Wal-Mart real quick"

"ok be safe" I called out.

I heard her car pull away but I also still heard his shower running.

I don't know what got into my head that made me go into his room,

I opened the door, it was dark all I could see was the light from the bathroom.

I walked in slowly, I heard the water stop.  I tried turning back but he was fast he go out and saw me.

He was half naked only the towel had covered his private part.

"What are you doing in here?"




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