Chapter 1

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"Oh My God, what do she got on?"

"She ratched!"

"Her lace front is all wrong!"

"She ratched!"

"Oh My God, if I have to hear that song one more time I will die!" I said, stabbing my salad. We were in the cafateria, and some stupid person had to go to YouTube, and play that stupid song! Now everyone was singing it with their stupid voices.

"We will not let the insolence of others destroy us." Justin said over the shouting.

"Where'd you get that quote from?" I asked him. I was always quoting someone, or something.

"That," He said with a smile "Was all me!" he took a minibow and continued eating his salad.

We were both vegetarians and hadn't eaten anything but fruit, veggies, and fish for years.

"Aww I'm a Porn Star! Eww gross!" I heard a girl say a few tables over. A few of the boys snickered making jokes about being in one of her films.

"People are so stupid! Why would people Google themselves when they know it's not them in the results?" I said, stabbing my salad again.

"Maybe it's just for the fun of it!" Justin said shrugging. "We should try it, I think. Don't you want to know what the other Veronica Austins are like?"


"Well too bad, you're gonna go Google yourself, TONIGHT!" In some ways, I wish I'd never listened to him.

So now, 3 hours later I'm sitting in my room, right in front of my computer screen. The website google in displayed on the screen, and with Justin on my right, he's telling me to just do it. He already googled himself and we found out there's a famous chef in Chicago with his same name (awesome)- Justin Gondas. There's also a drag queen somewhere with his name (not so much).

I really wanted to do it, but I thought it was stupid. It would kill my personal dignity. What if someone else with my name was a Porn Star, or a criminal. Or worse, a Ventriloquist (bad history with them)! I was already low on the wierd High School Food Chain, I didn't need guys looking at me like they would 'tap that'. Or the kids that do drugs asking me if I wanted some. (I'm not even gonna go there with the Ventriloquist. )

I just wanted to be me, Veronica Austin. Friend of Justin Gondas, and member of the Student Council, Inhumane Fighters, and the Mathletes (don't hate, appreciate!).

With this in mind, I really don't know why I started typing my name into the search box. I don't know why I tapped enter.

Was it because Justin was starting to make me want to hit him? Or the fact that part of me wanted to know? Or was it simply fate?

Whatever it was, I never would forget the results that Google gave me, and what those results would lead me to.

Yay! I wrote something New! I hope this really works. It seemed like a great idea. Then I started writing, and I'm not too sure!

Comment if Anything! I need to know what the people think!

Oh, and Don't worry about Stewie, he is supposed to be there!

I Googled Myself Last NightWhere stories live. Discover now