Chapter 3

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"Veronica, sweety, we're home!" I heard my mother call from downstairs.

"Hi!" Justin called, back, trying to stall for me. I had just finished crying my eyeballs out from the frustration of what to do. I still had no idea!

"Oh hi Justin!" I heard my father. My dad, or whoever he was, loved Justin. Especially after he faught for me in 7th grade (I could have faught for myself, really! But Hannah punched me in the nose before I had the chance of getting a good hit in.)

"Are you staying for dinner?" I heard my mother ask, her voice was muffled by the pillows covering my ears (I did it to make me feel secure, and not a part) If so great, we want to share the fantastic news!" I perked up. What news?

"We're on our way down now!" Justin called down. He turned away from the door, and faced me. He took me by the shoulders, then shook me really fast. "Pull it together Vee, pull it together!!!!" He said, still shacking me.

"STOP IT!!" I said, hitting with one of my pillows, "I'll bust your face open!"

"That's my girl!" he said letting go and hoisting me up of the chair and onto his back.

"Onward!" I said.

When we were all the way down the stairs, I noticed the mood in the air. It was a happy mood, but it was almost like that mood was hiding something (if that makes sense).

"Hey honey!" My mom said, from the kitchen.

"Hi!" my dad said from his favorite chair in the living room.

Yep, definitely something wrong here. They were never this happy, and they acknowledged me, but not this much. Either I was getting something I've been wanting for as long as I could remeber, or my parents just did it somewhere. (hope it was the first one, DEFINITELY not the second)

"We have great news!" My mom said for the second time since they'd been here.

"What is it?" I asked caustiously.

"We wanted top wait till dinner," she said coming into the living room. "But I have to tell you now!"

I gave her a questioning look.

"We're having a baby!" She said so happily, it was almost annoying.

"Your What?!" Me and Justin said at the same time.

"Yeah, I know, isn't it great?!"

But that was the thing, I didn't think it was. I don't know why, but I didn't...

They were gonna have a baby of their own, and they already had one, that was probably kidnapped! What was happening to my life? I should have never Googled myself. I would be so happy right now if I hadn't.

I know, it's SUPER MEGA SHORT!! I suck :( I'll try to make it longer next time!

Yellow model chic, yellow bottle sippin'! (look at me now!)

This is dedicated to an awesome wattpader! Go check out her stories! You'll love them, I swear!


I Googled Myself Last NightUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum