Chapter 2

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I sat there in my seat for a minute, waiting for the results google would give me. Justin was making guesses of what he thought another Veronica Austin would be.

"Maybe you are a crazy person. Wait no, you probably are a girl genious, who should be in 3rd grade, but is really in college! Nah, you're probably a guy, who was named Veronica, because his mom was so sure he was gonna be a girl. Nope you- "

"Shut up, Justin." I said, glaring at him.

"Sorry! I'm just so shocked that you did it. The Veronica I know wouldn't just do something like this. You know, what everyone else does. If anything you make sure you do the exact oposite of everything! Your like the anti person!

"Like remeber when everyone wore yellow for the award ceremony in sixth grade?" He didn't pause evn to hear my response. "You wore BLACK! Black it was awful! You stuck out like.... like.... well a black spot on a white shirt! Or in this case on a yellow shirt! Then-"

I stoped him from talking when I started grabbing at him frantically, as if sharks were attakcing or somewthing like that. In a way that's how it felt.

Let me rewind a little. While, Justin was blabbing to himself, Google had given the results.

The first result was from I clicked on it, and that's when I saw the pictures.

The background of the page... were of me. Every last one. I know because all of them were of when I was three. The exact age of when I was adopted!

That's when I started clinging onto Justin. Which brings us to the present.

"What's wrong?" He was able to break my hold on him, and then he swivled his chair right in front of the computer. "Holy Shit!"

(A/N: Never say Holy Shit, it's disrespectful! :P)

"Language!" I said hitting him in the back of his head. "I know," I said getting back to what lay in front of us.

"That's" Justin said pointing. "That's you! When you were- what- three?"

"Yeah, that's right I have a picture in the living room with me in that purple outfit right there." I said pointing as well.

"Well from what I've just read, that's the exact dress you were wearing when you were... kidnapped!"

"Kidnapped?! I was kidnapped? Me?" That's when I started thinking.

I wasn't anything like my parents (or whoever I've been spending most of my life with). I wasn't geniuses like they were. I'm good at art, and the best my parents get at drawing is stick figures. Both my parents are blondes, and I'm a brunett (they said that there are a lot of brunetts on my mom's side).Now that I think about it I'm not abything like my parents!

"Veronica?" Justin was waving his hand in my face. Then he started snapping.

I swatted his hand away. "Stop it Justin!"

"Well, it's not my fault you went to LaLa land!" He said folding his arms. "So what are you gonna do, confront your parents on it? Keep it a secret? Or are you going to just do nothing?" he said. I knew he expected an answer, but I honest to God didn't have one.

"I don't know." I said shrugging.

"You don't know? How do you not know? This is serious Vee! You could just be a kidnapped.... kid!"

"You think I don't know that? I do, that's why I'm trying to think, before I do the wrong thing! Duh!" I was starting to get nervous, resulting in me getting cranky and mean.

"We'll think of something." Justin said rubbing my back reassuringly. "I Promise."

I Googled Myself Last Nightحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن