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The war lasted three years. Both kings died on the battlefield, then Queen Persephone surrendered. Her youngest step-daughter, Hazel, went missing shortly before the surrender. It was suspected that she had been abducted and killed by the opposite side as an attempt to finally break the Queen, but this could of be proven.

With the king dead, Queen Solace ruled solitarily until she died and passed the throne on to her only child, William, who had long since stopped resisting her. She had already married off to the daughter of another powerful king. When she died, William changed a lot of laws, for example: women now could be soldiers and guards instead of just maids, and gay marriage was legal.

William wasn't sure if he loved his wife, but she was nice enough and he didn't want to distrust his alliances by divorcing her. Plus, there was now a chance that she was pregnant.

William suffered from post traumatic stress disorder and often had vivid nightmares of witnessing the deaths of his friends. Bianca, who had been carried away before he realised and to his knowledge, could be dead or alive, and Hylla, who had died protecting Will from his country's own soldiers.

Meanwhile, Nico, Reyna, Leo, Annabeth, Percy, Thalia and Jason were fugitives. They rescued Hazel, Nico's little sister, and her friend Piper from the war zone that was once Nico's home and found an island inhabited only by a lone shipwreck survivor named Rachel, where they set up a home.

They only left the island to trade in order to get the supplies they could not make themselves. Their lives were not what they were used to, and they all struggled with the pain of loss, but they carried on, as it was all they could do.

Then Nico's ship hit a devastating storm.

A/N: I don't usually write in third person, so this might be bad. Anyway, this is more of another summary than a chapter, but hopefully it explains the aftermath of the war for the characters. If you have any questions, just comment them, and I'll reply as soon as I see them. Thanks for reading!

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