Chapter Three

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The boy is lead in in chains. After Cecil's dramatic announcement, even Drew is paying attention.

Cecil and Nyssa keep close eyes on him as he stand son front of me, having the audacity to smirk.
"Long time no see, Solace."
"Who's fault is that, Valdez?" I retort, hoping I got his surname correct. He's right: it's been a while.
"Your mom's, if I remember correctly."

"This is Leo?" Drew asks, leaning forward in her throne. (I've decided to stand in front of the criminal.) I nod absentmindedly. I didn't think she'd know who he was. I've only mentioned him once or twice. "Huh. I expected him to be taller and... less scrawny."

"Hey!" He protests. Nyssa digs the hilt of her weapon into his side just hard enough to be a warning. "Okay, chill, I'm not gonna hurt anyone!" He raises his shackled hands in surrender. "So, Mr King-"
"That's not my title." I repress a smile,
"-what do you say about letting me go?"
"Sorry, but I can't do that." I say.

His face falls.
"You and the rest of your group- who I'm assuming are here with you- are wanted criminals in multiple kingdoms for thievery, arson, kidnapping and murder-"
"That was one time, and he attacked us!" Leo huffs. "I wish people would stop bringing that up!"
"Still murder." I growl. "So we're gong to have to imprison you."
"What?" He gasps in outrage. "Dude, I thought we were getting along!"
"You're lucky to has been caught here." I tell him solemnly. "In most other kingdoms, your actions would be punishable by death." I turn to the guards. "Interrogate him. Find out where the other are. They all need to be imprisoned."

The guard start to lead him away, but he struggles to turn and look me in the eye again.
"Wait!" He cries. I raise an eyebrow and cross my arms.
"What about Nico?" I stiffen, feeling my both go dry. Finally, I manage to choke out a reply.
"Nico is a criminal. He needs to pay for his crimes too."

There's a long silence, then Leo lurches forward out of Nyssa's grip. It only works because it's so unexpected. In a moment, he's by my side, a dagger to my throat. Cecil and Nyssa draw their weapons. Drew gasps, getting to her feet and stumbling back, but Leo pays her no attention.

"Nobody move." He hisses. I swallow.
"Leo, just assess-"
"Shut up. I'm taking you to Nico."
"Oh, like hell you are." Cecil growls. Leo smirks.
"Is that a challenge?"

Before I can process what's even happening, my guards are in the same predicament as me. Reyna and Percy appear from behind them and press daggers to their throats.
"How the hell did they get- ow!" Cecil winces as Reyna digs the top of her knife into his throat, drawing a dot of blood.

Annabeth steps into view, surveying the room. She points at Drew, who makes a choking sound.
"Leave this room, and you're dead." She then turns to Leo. "I'll help you escort him out. Percy, Reyna, you can handle those two, right?" The gestures to the guards.
"Uh..." Percy's eyes dart over the guards worriedly.
"No problem." Reyna nods, frowning at him disapprovingly. Annabeth smiles.
"Great. Keep them contained for about ten minutes, then let them raise the alarm. We'll be long gone by then." She turns her smile to me. "It's good job your palace is near the harbour."

"You can't just kidnap me!" I protest as Leo shoves me forward, keeping the knife to my neck. Annabeth draws her own dagger and points it at me. She smiles apologetically and shrugs.
"But we already are!"

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