Chapter Two

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a/n: this is just filler and a bit of info about Will's new extended family (+ Piper, who is gong to be in future chapters).


"King William, I'm pleased to announce-"
"Lou, what did I tell you about calling me William?" I grin. Her eyes dart over to our visitors.
"But, we have guests..."
"I'm still Will." I shrug.
"Okay." She clears her throat and starts again.
"King Will, I'm pleased to announce that your guests have arrived."

I don't particularly like all the niceties I have to go trough to keep our kingdom safe, but I'm good at them. A born king, my mother described me as, once I grew out of all my teenage rebellion. I wish I could say I miss her, but I can't seem to be able to.

I greet the guests: another royal family from a neighbouring kingdom. They're visiting for a while and as is customary, I have let them stay at the palace. We have more than enough space, after all. I suggested lending some rooms to overcrowded orphanages, or- remembering Thalia's home- those in poverty, but Drew reminded me that it could result in theft or even an attempt on our lives, so I caved and admitted that it was too risky.

The guests, in face, are Drew's relatives. Her father, mother, sister Silena and Silena's husband Charles. I get a maid to escort them to their rooms, then turn to my wife.
"You could have at least pretended to be happy they're here." I sigh, remembering their disapproving glances to them. I hope they don't mention it to anybody else; my reputation is vital for the success of the whole kingdom.
"Why should I?" She replies. "None of them care about me. My mom never has time for me, my step-dad doesn't know me, and Silena and I are polar opposites." Drew flips her long, black hair over her shoulder and looks at the door they left through disdainfully.

"Did you know my mom started another affair? And that spineless idiot-"
"Don't! They might hear you!" I panic, but she continues unfazed,
"-still hasn't even done a thing about the last one! She ended up pregnant, everybody was telling about it! And the only reason the kid- what was her name? Pippa?-"
"Piper." I recall.
"Whatever. The only reason she isn't here today was because she was supposedly kidnapped. I would have thought he might have arranged it to hide his shame, but he's too weak."

"And did you know Silena is cheating on her husband? With a woman?"
"You don't know that." I frowns. She laughs.
"Did you see that guard she brought along with her? Clarisse? I know attraction when I see it, and it was mutual."
"Can you please stop gossiping about your family when they could overhear at any point?" I sigh. Drew rolls her eyes.
"Fine, I'll tell you later."

Well, at least she talks to me. When we first got married, we barely spoke. My mom didn't want us to meet beforehand as that went so badly with Bianca, so Drew came to the kingdom for the first time and got married to me that day. We dodged around each other for weeks, me being too awkward and shy to talk to her, and Drew not thinking that we needed to talk. Now it's been a few months, and we're on much better terms.

I don't think I love her. Compared to how I felt with... somebody else, this is nothing. But she's the eldest daughter of a powerful queen, and she isn't a terrible ruler (she's better than my mother, and that's good enough for me), so...

We're not really affectionate, but she thinks she might be pregnant, so as long as she doesn't miscarry, we'll have an heir and we don't need to be affectionate anyway.

It's not great, but I'm helping my citizens, and my personal life is satisfactory, so-

"King Will!" Cecil rushes in, snapping me out of my thighs. I release I'm frowning and fix my expression in case I have company, but Cecil is alone. He's breathing heavily, hair messed up.
"We've caught a wanted man."
"What's he wanted for?"
"Uh..." Cecil thinks for a moment. "Thievery, arson, jailbreak,"
"Damn." I breathe. He nods.
"He's been caught before. Your mother imposed a death sentence on him."
"You know I got rid of the death sentence." I remind him. He nods.

"Yes, but he's still an enemy of the kingdom. In fact..." he gives me a strange look, then breathes in deeply. "He's an accomplice of Nico Di Angelo."

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