Chapter Four

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I pace in the captain's quarters of the ship, on strict orders from Annabeth to not leave the room unless my life is in danger. Everybody else has gone off to buy or steal provisions, but I'll be so easily recognised here, I'm stuck in hiding. Rumour has it there are still wanted posters for me in the town...

From the tiny window, I can see that the storm seems to be passing. We should be able to leave in about an hour, as long as there isn't a sudden change. However, some of us may need rest after trying to control the ship for so long, so we may have to stay overnight, despite the danger of being caught. I groan, resigning myself to staying in this claustrophobic room, in Annabeth and Percy's bed, for the whole night.

I much prefer my own bed, despite it being in a room full of other people (including Leo, who is a nightmare to share a room with when you're wide awake, never mind when you're trying to sleep), because at least it's mine. Plus, Percy has a tendency to forget last-minute change-of-plans and will probably try to climb into the bed with me in it, which neither of us will appreciate.

Bored out of my mind, I study the map pinned to the wall, trying to figure out how we ended up here when we were headed for an entirely different place, a kingdom which has welcomed us before based solely on mutual hatred for the queen of this kingdom.

I briefly wonder if she's still the queen. We heard news that she was dead, but nobody was sure if it was true or just a rumour.

I hope she is.

The door suddenly bangs open.
"Can we leave?" I ask, stepping forward eagerly. Annabeth shakes her head, grabs a key from a hook on the wall, then leaves, closing the door again.

I frown, wondering why she took the key for the ship's hold. We rarely open it... Maybe she stole something too big to fit in the sleeping quarters or her captain's cabin, though I can't imagine what. Half of the underneath of the ship is sleeping quarters, and the other half is the hold, so there's plenty of room among us for most of our possessions.

I shrug, supposing that I'll find out soon enough. Urgent shouting interrupts my pondering, then the boat starts moving, though the storm hasn't fully cleared. I rush to the door and peer out for small circular window, wondering why we're leaving so soon but unable to ask anybody. I contemplate leaving the room anyway, since we're leaving, then decide against it. I don't want to anger Annabeth.

A few minutes later, she enters.
"Why are we leaving so soon?" I ask, panicked.
"We got caught." She mutters, clearly angry at herself. I back off slightly, scared that she'll snap at me despite knowing that she's too reasonable to take any anger out on me, who had nothing to do with whatever happened.

"How?" I ask incredulously. We're always extremely careful...
"Leo was an idiot and got caught." She says disdainfully. "Reyna, Percy and I went to save him, and we all got a little carried away..."
"What does that mean?" She bites her lip and looks away. "Annabeth." I press. She sighs.
"I'll tell you later. For now, go help out on deck."
"Okay." I nod, confused.

I leave the cabin and offer and hand to the others, wincing as cold rain assaults my face. It's not enough to threaten the ship, but it's still enough to make me colder and wetter than I would prefer.

We're mostly just moving what we've stolen- gold and silver to be sold in other kingdoms, alongside food which we will keep for ourselves- into the sleeping quarters. I place a sack of apples down beside my bed, then straighten up and push my wet hair off my forehead.

I jump as a bang echoes through the room, turning to see Thalia and Percy staring at a large chest which they obviously just dropped. Percy is holding his foot like it was injured in the accident. Thalia is smirking like the accident may not have been an accident.

"Nico!" Percy calls desperately when he notices me. "Help!"
"There's a barrel of water up on deck which needs taking down into the hold." Thalia says. "Can you take it while we clean this up?" She gestures to the spilt coins on the floor. Briefly, I wonder where they managed to get their hands on so much money, but then I brush it off and agree.

"Why do we need water in the hold, though?" I question. Thalia shrugs.
"That's just what Annabeth ordered." She tells me. Percy nods, looking down and obviously trying not to laugh. Weirdo...

I go up on deck and roll the heavy barrel across to the second trap-door, opening it cautiously then rolling it down into the darkness, desperately thing to keep my grip so I don't drop it. I hear shuffling and scowl. Damn rats... We need a cat on board.

I wish I'd brought a lantern... I feel my way along the wall until I find a corner and place the barrel there, then head back to the steps.

"Do you have a lantern?"

I shriek loudly enough to wake the dead.
"Who said that?" I stutter, my eyes sweeping the large area. Faintly, I make out some movement, and realise it's at the end of the room, where there are chains which I guess people can be attached to if the situation calls for it. We've never taken a hostage before...

"Please." Says a different voice. A woman's voice. Two hostages, it seems...
"Uh, sure. Just wait there." Like they're going anywhere...

I rush back on deck, a million questions rushing through my head. Why have hostages been taken? This is probably what Annabeth meant by getting carried away, but this seems very extreme! What are we going to do with them?

I go into the sleeping quarters, which Thalia and Percy have now left, and find two lanterns. Hoping the wind up on deck won't blow them out (fortunately it seems to be dying down), I light them.

I make it across the deck without them blowing out and cautiously walk back into the hold. I hold the lanterns up and look around.

I see the woman first. Long, black hair is falling into her eyes as she watches me warily. Next, I see the man beside her, glaring at me defiantly, clearly protective of the girl from
the way he is straining against the chains spend his wrists and ankles to get closer to her. They don't look very comfortable...

I think that's it until I step closer and can see around the man.

It's a good job I don't drop the lantern, or the entire ship would go up in flames. I get awfully close to doing so, though.

"Hello." His eyes glimmer with malice, and his voice drops with it. My heart stops.


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