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Today was the day. I've been trapped inside my room for years worrying about what will happen when I come out. My parents are divorced and I live with my mom, and my mom doesn't accept me, so she won't let me start testosterone, or get a binder which makes me really disphoric, but I did cut my hair myself when I was in school, but I haven't gone to school since I've been in my room hiding from the world. I wear whatever I want to wear, and my mom did not like thar. I open the door to my room and see the house I haven't seen for years. I walk down the stairs and see my mom.
Jm: Hey Jessica! (Let's just say that's his birthname😂) Ugh you still wear those ugly clothes, and did you cut your hair more?! You look like a boy, go change
J: I am a boy, and I'm not changing, I like these clothes
Jm: Fine, but you're still my little girl. Since you finally came downstairs you're going to start school tomorrow.
I sigh and walk back to my room not exited for tomorrow.

I know this chapter is really short but I'm planning on putting a new chapter up this weekend!

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