New school

474 15 6

Justin's POV
I woke up to my mom yelling at me to wake up. I was confused at first but then remembered I start school today. I  drag myself out of bed and go to the bathroom to take a shower. I put on black skinny jeans with rips, a white shirt, and a grey sweatshirt (mostly just to cover my scars, and when I'm anxious I play with my sweatshirt) . I'm too lazy to do my hair so I just run my fingers through it. I go downstairs grab and apple and head out the door.
I pull up into the schools parking lot and I see everyone and I start getting nervous and overwhelmed. I run straight to the office to get my schedule, and locker combination. Then I head to class.

*Time skip to lunch
I hear the bell. Each ring of that bell makes me more and more anxious. I don't know what to do, I have no friends and don't have any plans on making any, so I just go around a corner and sit against the wall outside. After a while I see a group of boys sit at a bench a few feet away from me. I just watched them talk, and laugh, which made me feel even more alone. After most of the boys walked away there was one boy left. I was just sitting against the wall, and he started walking up to me. I started getting really nervous, so I hid half of my face on my sweatshirt. He sat next to me.
(R= Raegan  J= Justin)
R: Hey are you ok?
J: *I nod
R: No you're not, why aren't you with your friends?
J: I don't h-have any
R: oh,... what's your name? My names Raegan
J: J-Justin
R: don't cover your face, please
* he takes the end of my sweatshirt off my face, and brushes his hand across my cheek. For some reason I got a weird tingly feeling in my chest when he did that. I felt my face getting hot, I knew I was blushing, so I just covered my face with my sweatshirt again.
R: *he giggles
Ok if that's what you want. See you around?
*With that he walked away

I'll start trying to upload more regularly

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