Chapter I

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                 Carter Parkinson
               Me, Myself, and I

Note: This note is for those of you who are or are not following me and those who do or do not write comments. I love you guys and I'll try my best in writing more chapters after this one.I encourage you guys to keep reading, and I want you all to know that I love you.❤💖❤💖
___________________________   "Come on Scar," My best friend Devin says to me when he enters my high school's cafeteria. He's trying to continue the conversation that he and I had while in chemistry class.

"No," I say.

A few minutes ago, I was sitting at our table, by myself, peacefully eating my ham and cheese sandwich, and then, Devin, my best friend since preschool, comes over with his lunch tray and asks more questions about my love life. Even though I answer the same way every time, he still won't stop pushing. And for his information, I don't have one, and I've never had one.

  "Come on, Scar, you can tell me."


"Come on."


"Come on."

" How many times do I have to tell you, Devin, I don't have a boyfriend, I've never had one, and I probably won't ever have one!"

I think he sees that I'm serious and backs up in surrender, raising his hands in the process.

"Okay, Jesus, I give up. I give up."

He takes a seat beside me and picks up his milk carton, but before he takes a sip, he smiles a cheeky little grin.

"Come on," He says.

I'm suddenly not hungry anymore. I groan and pick up my tray, dumping it in the trash as I head out the door to my locker.Sometimes, boys are so unbearably stupid.

As I turn the corner to my locker, I bump into something. And it hurts.

I look up from my new position on the floor to see a boy with blonde hair and green eyes that I've never seen before stick out his hand.

After I take it, he pulls me back up to my feet.

"Sorry," He says, "Are you okay?"

Oh....he's beautiful and polite.
If my sister was here, she probably would have told me that he was definitely a keeper.And of course, I would have agreed. Who wouldn't. But unfortunately, she's not. Damn it.

"Umm.....Hello," He says.

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine."

    "I'm Carter," He says, plastering a smile on his beautiful face with a mouth full of perfect white teeth. He sticks his hand out to meet mine once again.

"I'm Scarlett," I say, pulling back from our handshake.

"Scarlett," He repeats, " It sure is pretty. And if you don't mind me saying, so are you."

I mentally high-five myself before shooting him a smile and a thank you.

"I'm new, and I might need some showing around,and if you don't mind, I'd like you to."

"I don't know....." I say.

What is wrong with me! I'm crazy if I don't say yes to this gorgeously​ amazing and totally handsome guy. Come on, think Scar, think.

"Please," He says, giving me his cutest puppy dog eyes.

I can't resist all of this for very much longer than I already have.

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